Chapter 8: Meeting the beast

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(Tun-kai and her mom Kai-Mook)

After we were ushered back into the dark stable Jim chained us up again. He came towards me with a sad smile. I didn't know what was going on but it didn't feel right.

'you know little girl, I only know you for a day or two. But I am going to miss ya.' He said kneeling beside me.

'it's such a shame that they take away wee little elephants from their mother to train in a circus. It's just cruel.' He sighed deeply and looked at the ground. Aftersome silence between us he spoke up again

'it isn't a job I want to do, but ya see. I need the money.' He looked up at me and gently reached out for my head. I felt like I needed to comfort him so let him touch me, still being wary of his movements. He stroked my head up and down and for a moment it reminded me of when my mother touched me with her trunk.

'Mister Bocelli will come pick you up in an hour or two. You're going to a new place. I know you just got to know this place but you don't really have a choice.' He used his second hand to touch my trunk. At this moment I was to focused on the amazing feeling, it nearly lulled me to sleep.

'I hope he doesn't go hard on you, but knowing him, he will. His last elephant that he bought here died three weeks after he bought her.' His let out a big sigh again and got up. He removed his hand from my face and only in that moment did I snap back to reality. I watched him look at me again.

'well my wee little lady, I hope you'll be okay. Maybe if you're lucky you'll be saved from this hell whole.' With that he turned around and walked out of the stable, leaving me alone once again.

As Jim had said two hours later the door burst open. I expected to see Jim bringing me milk but this time it was that scary big man and his little assistant. Mister Bocelli took long strides towards me while he kept staring at me. As if on instinct I stepped back until my butt was pressed again the large steel bars surrounding me. He entered the cage with a rope and a whip. An evil smile was playing on his lips as he approached me. I thought the elder females were going to step between me and the scary two leg to protect me but they didn't. Instead they stepped out of the way and into a corner when they saw the whip. I was frozen in place, I knew that if I tried to run I would be hit by that creepy whip in the man's hand. The rope was fastened around my neck and I was pulled out of the cage into the open. A container stood there open with some hay in. The right hand man of Bocelli led me into the container. But right before I stepped in I started to walk backwards. It was too scary and I didn't want to go with them. I dragged the little man with me as I walked away. Soon I felt a whip snap in the air and that scared me a lot. I immediately ran towards the trailer and ran into a corner. This made the little man fall over and he got dragged over the floor. Mister Bocelli laughed loudly.

'oh Rick you need to grow a little more balls to handle elephants. But I must admit it is rather amusing to see you being dragged around by a baby.' His laugher died down and soon he was very serious again.

'babies need to learn their place from a young age. Only then will they obey your orders.' He said with his head tilted up and his chest pushed forward.

'you need to be more dominant!' that was the last thing I heard when the little man named Rick closed the container doors leaving me in the dark with no window. Soon I felt the container move as if it started to fly. I tried to steady myself but I fell down. Suddenly the container stopped and a loud thud could be heard. As my heart started to relax I decided it was best for me to lay down and get some rest whilst I could. Because something in me said I'd be needing it.

My eyes flew open at the sound of the metal door opening up and two legs shouting. I saw Rick and Bocelli at the door opening. Bocelli was the first to step inside and gave me a hard glare.

'well well, we don't sleep in this circus! Get up!' he sounded angry and that scared me to no end. I quickly got up and pushed myself back into the corner of the container. The rope was still hanging around my neck. Mister Bocelli walked up to me and harshly grabbed the rope. He pulled me towards the opening but when I didn't move, he turned around and looked me straight in the eye.

'if you want it the hard way so be it. Rick get me the bull hook, it's time she learns what happens if you don't obey me.' He kept a hard glare at me and soon enough Rick entered the container with a short black stick with a hook at the end. Mister Bocelli harshly grabbed the stick from Rick's hand and pointed it to me. I didn't know what to do so I stood still. Bocelli took that as a sign of resistance and he struck me with the hook, right in my shoulder. I cried out as I never felt that much pain. You might think elephants have thick skin but we also have very sensitive skin. We can feel a tiny fly landing on our body. But the hook went right through my flesh and the wound started to bleed. When Bocelli pulled me towards the door again, I quickly followed him. I was still in pain but I didn't want to feel the hook again so I obeyed.

He lead me inside a small stable. There were no other elephants inside but I still knew there were other females present asI could smell their sent from far away. Bocelli just let go of the rope and chained me up with four chains around my legs. He took the rope away from my neck and with that left and closed the small stable. I couldn't lay down or even move.

'give her one bottle of milk. Tomorrow she will be weaned.' He said to Rick.

Bocelli walked away and I was soon alone with Rick. He slowly approached me and tried to touch my head but I pulled away.

'I get that your scared. I would be to. Well actually, I am.' he chuckled nervously.

After that he turned around and grabbed a bottle of milk.

' I know it isn't much but I have to follow orders because otherwise I'll be fired.' He pointed the tip of the bottle towards me and I started to drink whilst keeping an eye on him. after the bottle was emptied he took a step back and smiled a little.

'try to sleep, tomorrow will be a hard day.' He turned around and left. I was all alone again. Putting my trunk in my mouth I tried to fall asleep while standing up. Before long I drifted off into a dreamless slumber.

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