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(Hey guys, it is currently July 28th 2022 and I have seen how much this book has grown. Due to that fact I want to make it as enjoyable as possible so I'll be going in and editing small details such as grammatical errors and spelling mistakes. I've tried to edit and proof read before but there are still quite a few mistakes. This book means so much to me through as I said I want to make it as enjoyable as possible so I will be back here doing this tonight. Don't worry, none of the story changes. Thanks for reading <3 )


Yeonjun sighed as he rested his head on the desk while stretching out his arms. Soobin then came in and took the seat behind him. "You not sleep well last night?" He asked as the other was already flickering his eyes shut. Yeonjun just slowly sat back up. "Nope, been studying all night" He huffed out an exhausted breath of air. "Again? You should take a break once in a while and enjoy life, maybe even get a girlfriend." Soobin winked causing Yeonjun to turn in his sit, playfully hitting him. Though it was still quite hard. "Ow, what was that for?" Soobin chuckled and Yeonjun just rolled his eyes facing the front again.  Not long after the prettiest girl in school walked in. Her long dark hair flowed down both sides of her face and her bright red lips shined in the lighting. Irene, everyone was in awe by this girl. Soobin eyed her up and down as he watched her take her seat across the room from them.

"Damn she's pretty" Soobin now said with blush spread across his cheeks while he rested his on the desk. Yeonjun mentally rolled his eyes while pulling out his notebook as the teacher came in . He honestly didn't have time for this today.


After the boring lecture that only Yeonjun seemed to be paying attention to, the class finally ended and Soobin didn't hesitate to grab his things, instantly rushing to the pretty dark-haired girl before she could escape. "Hey." He said charmingly as she packed her stuff up. However, she didn't even so much as look up, instead, she just brushed the few strands of hair out of her face, tucking them behind her ear. Soobin bit his lip thinking of what to say next before just saying whatever popped in his mind. "You free this weekend?" Irene looked up to meet his eyes. "No." She stated boldly before walking past him. "Maybe next weekend?" Soobin called after her. "No." She called back in almost a song like way. Before he could speak again, she was already out the door. "I think that went well." Soobin said as Yeonjun just came and patted his back. "Come on let's go meet with the others"

They got to the cafeteria where they saw their usual friend group Taehyun, Beomgyu, and Hueningkai. "Hey guys," Yeonjun said while taking a seat before pulling out his notebook. "You still studying Yeonjun Hyung?" Hueningkai asked. "Yep, the test is in a week so kinda have to" He hummed out, already dived into his work books. "You would pass anyways, you're like the smartest guy here." Yeonjun slightly chuckled not looking away from his notes. "No I'm not, and it's just to make sure."

"If you say so, I'm more worried about getting a date to the dance though," Kai sighed before going back to eating and the others just laughed, Taehyun more of a nervous one if anything.

"You at least going to eat something?" Soobin now inputted as lunch was almost over and Yeonjun still hasn't taken a bite. "I'll eat later." He said causing the other to pout. It worried him when Yeonjun would be so focused on his grades that he didn't eat or even sleep. But Soobin knew he couldn't do anything, once Yeonjuns mind was set on something there was no changing it. Much like his own, maybe that was one reason they got along so well.

The bell rang telling them to go to their next class so Yeonjun picked up all his notes and neatly placed it in his bag. "I'll meet you in class," Soobin said while walking in a different direction. Him and Yeonjun had most of their classes together so they usually just walked together, though today Soobin didn't feel like going, he had something else in mind.

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