Chapter 5

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Hiiii everyone so sorry i haven't updated in a long time so much stuff has happened over the last year so yeah I'm deeply sorry but i have a little bit of time off I've got a bad chest infection and get to stay home and rest so I'm taking the time now to continue kidnapped for all for you hope you love this chapter hope lily gets some answers from Luke. xxx Tara

Lily POV

My head hurts like hell as my body aches in pain from the rope burning my skin because of how tight they are. I'm so hungry and dehydrated I feel like I'm going to faint I try my hardest to at least sleep but my eyes hurt from all the crying. It feels like I have been here forever but it's only been a few hours I think. It's so dark in here you can't even see the littlest bit of light through the cracks of the door. What is Luke's problem I've never seen him before so what did he want with me I'm just a seventeen year old girl trying to get though the last 2 years of school and work as a waitress for a very busy restaurant but dreams to become a singer which I seriously doubt by the way.

My stomach rumbles in pain from having nothing to eat now I'm regretting not getting that lift from charlotte it feels like years since I last spoke to her I miss her heaps and my family I miss my mum's warm cuddly hugs and her cooking OH GOD her cooking is to die for and I miss my dad making me laugh. Every Friday night we have a movie night and I am always so excited for Friday to come and my little brother he is a pain in the ass but I do miss teasing him and being there for him Luke better hurry up and tell me why the hell he kidnapped me or he is going to have a real problem soon.

Just as I was about to secretly plan lukes death in my head the door opens and the light hurts my eyes I can barely see who it is I squint my eyes and blink a few times before getting a better view of who it is which reveals to be a tall blonde boy which I am gathering is Luke I can barely keep my head up as my eyes start to droop from the bright light. I just want to give up but if I want to see my family again and get as far away from the psycho as I can I can't show him that I'm weak I have to fight this.

"Hello sleeping beauty having a nice rest?" Luke sarcastically ask with a smirk on his face

You have got to be kidding me dumb ass I think to my self

I death stare him back before sarcastically saying back "yes actually I am I have been trapped in here by yours truly and I have been tied to this VERY comfortable chair with ropes that are just so comfy they are burning my skin while I have been thinking all the different ways I can kill you because who knows how long I have been in here"

I stare at Luke with hate as I see his face drops and is about to lose it... again

"Mad are we? What are you going to do about it slap me in the face? Punch me in the stomach? Yell in my face that I'm worthless? Well guess what buddy you're a little too late for that" I say to Luke in anger

"Am I know why did you get beaten up in school fugly cow face" Luke chuckles with a proud smirk

I froze in the chair as my eyes widen with fear as horrible thoughts of the past come back and my heart sank.

"How the fuck did you know that no one called me that since junior High School?" I say in Anger and sadness feeling the tears coming fast

"I just do. Surprised? Don't you just want to go back to that time" Lukes says with a sarcastic smile

"Why the fuck would I want to go back dick?" I huff in Anger why would he ask me to go back to a time that was SO horrible for me?

"Well you know seeing you get hurt. In pain it was entertaining for me" Lukes says with a evil smile

"Did you fucking stalk me?" I say in Shock and terror

"No but I do know people so it was so amazing hearing all the stories around town about you it was music to my ears" Lukes says proudly

"You are a fucking monster" I huffed in Anger at him trying my hardest to keep my tears down

"Me a monster?" he smiles

Lukes walks closer to me and kneels down in front of me looking dead in the eyes and if I wasn't tied to this chair I would fucking strangle him with this rope.

" Nah babe looks like we will have to find out won't we" Lukes says with a evil smile and winks at me before standing back up and walking out the door slamming it in the progress.

And once again it is pitch black leaving me with only my thoughts and the erg to cry my eyes out and want nothing more than to get the hell out of here.

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