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NOTE: This continues chapter 1.

So in ELA today, we had little groups that were separated into. There was independent where people would work by themselves and weren't supposed to talk, which they did anyway. In collaborative, your group worked together. There are 2 groups for each station, except in direct instruction. The groups combine and work with the teacher. There's usually about nine people in direct, and five in independent and collaborative.

I was in a group with two of my best friends: Ivy and Emmy.

Ivy is awkward, but no one really talks to her so no one really knows that she is awkward. She is always the third wheel and is usually excluded from activities that the other kids participate in.  She has brown hair that falls down to a little past her shoulders. She has light brown eyes and she's kinda tan.

Kids just don't like her. I don't really know why. My other friend Emmy everyone knows as the depressed and sensitive person that will fight you if you make fun of her friends or hurt their feelings. She is really nice to you when you become her friend, though. You'll know when you do. It's just something that clicks in your brain.

If looks matter, which they do in society and subconsciously in our minds, she has blonde shoulder-length hair and blue eyes. The blue is in the middle of all shades of blue, if you get what I mean. They're in the middle. Average. And if it helps you picture her, you subconsciously notice her... Chest area. You know it exists but you don't look because you don't want to be that weird person that stares at people's boobs. No one likes a boob-starer.

Anyway, moving on now. So I sat down at independent and started doing my work when I feel someone kick my feet multiple times. That's secret middle school language for,
"Hey! Yeah, you! I'm trying to get your attention." So I looked over and find Lucifer, sitting there staring at me, trying to get my attention.

Let me repeat that for you.

Lucifer. Of all people it had to be him. I don't know if this happens to anyone else in the world, but you want to be close to and interact with your crush but then your brain freaks out and you do something embarrassing and they laugh at you because of how awkward you are and you think that they were laughing at your faliure so you try to distance yourself from them to try and prevent any emotional pain. 

Thus, the cycle begins anew.

Yeah. That's what happened to me at that moment. I freaked out when he leaned up by my ear and whispered, "Can you help me with this? I don't know what this means."

He pointed to a line on his paper. It was about prepositions and it was so easy that I wanted to slap him for not knowing the answer. But no, I was done with my paper and so I tried helping him. Key word here: tried. "Um, well.. Prepositions are... Um,"
I glanced up to see if he was looking at me and following along with what I was trying to explain.

I mean, I can't blame him. The language of Um is a very complicated language to learn, so in the midst of my sputtering, he just laughed and gave up trying to listen to me. I felt like I needed his eyes on me, so I took his paper. I got the desired results, except when he looked at me, I freaked out and threw the paper back to him as he reached for it. It hit him in the face, but he giggled like a little fangirl. That was the moment that I wanted to slap him and kiss him at the same time for being so cute. My brain fought my body and my heart, but it didn't work. His outstretched hand met my sweaty, trembling hands. His eyes slowly traveled up to mine and he blushed a lot. And I mean a lot. Like, it wasn't all over his face, but it was a mottled red on his cheeks. I probably looked the same way, mind you.


Wait.. what?! How is she done with the worksheet already? This worksheet is about as hard as me when I see a peice of pizza sitting out and it has reached college dorm status. I did what any person in my place would do, I asked the smart kid for help. Except apparently there was something wrong with her. When I kicked her to get her attention, she jumped and looked frantically around the room with wide, scared eyes. Like I'm that scary. Then she saw me and her face turned bright red. I leaned by her ear, which was easy because I was sitting next to her. "Can you help me with this? I don't know what this means."

She stuttered, but she never looked away from me. I did. It was getting kind of awkward, then you know what? She snatched my paper. I reached for it, but then she... Well, actually, I don't know what she did. I just remember her hand entwined with mine. 

"Um, Oh my gosh I'm, sorry. Sorry!"

She put her face in the crook of her elbow, but even though the majority of her face was covered, I could still see that it was a shade of crimson. Her grip on my hand tightened, and that's when I realised that she liked me.

 She looked up out of her little hidey-hole in her arm. Her long, blonde hair fell in front of her glossy blue-grey eyes. Her extremely large pupils were rimmed with a yellowish color, and I couldn't help but notice that in a matter of seconds her blush spread to her whole face, including her lips. She was shaking a little, but she had a broad smile on her face, kind of like a nice secretary lady's smile, except this one was one-hundred and one percent real. I moved my chair a little closer to hers. Now it's one hundred and two percent.

 Let's see how high it can get. 

I put my hand on her cheek, then moved it to under her chin on her jaw. I pulled her face closer to mine. At this point she was quaking in her black leather combat boots. I opened my mouth, she opened hers, too. She leaned closer to my face, not paying attention that the rest of our table was staring at us. I leaned closer, too. She halfway closed her eyes. Then, my lips brushed hers.

I made a split second decision and pulled back. I didn't want to do anything more. She just nervous laughed and glanced around the room.

 She was confusion.

(That is the oldest meme... In ThE wOrLD!)


Did you get that vine reference? I hope you did. Sorry the chapter was still short, even though it was long compared to the other previous ones. 1,291 words. Not bad, but I'm aiming for 5,000 in some future chapter. By the way, you probably won't get the "oldest meme in the world" reference. It's an inside joke that I might include in one of the future chapters so I can explain it to you. And keep Bars of Soap in mind. And Super Spicy Cologne. And... that's it. Moving on to the next chapter. Byeeee! </3


(By the way, thank you @Winterbabe200 and @OliviaFox0 and . If you're reading this, know that I love you in a pentatonic and not sexual way.  (*≧∀≦*) Yeah. I see you Porrige. Deku. ( ╹ਊ╹)

If it's worth mentioning, I'm currently listening to MCR and TOP.)

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