Manipulative mind

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Taylor and Luke followed behind strify raging on the inside, on one side was tall sage brush some five feet in height on the other side was a tight bob-wire fence, the the crew walked until they met up with a fork in the road a two tracker in front of them went straight which about 20 miles in  would make its way to Old Man Ding ( another  town but this time  more of an overly guarded city which kept  its gates locked tight)  and to the left was a trail heading to the mountains and also Whales pass  to the right was a rocky road which  made its way to Durimax planes it was an extremely dangerous place and most of the villains made there home out of that dessert strify knew his way around that part and headed down the road to durimax planes  strify stepped over the narrow pair of rail road tracks   the fine gravel made its way around his  tough hooves, Luke and Taylor   walked considerably close to each other  thinking of a master plan, strify literately had a black belt in fighting but Taylor had a manipulative mind that could out smart Albert Einstein himself  Luke on the other hand, well he tried.

The three made their way to the herd  a few of  the residents took notice and a few didn't, strify was a heartbreaker with the girls, he loved them and they certainty didn't complain  when he would show them attention, suddenly Bill ( Taylors friend ) showed up beside them, he happily trotted next to Taylor when he finally spoke 

" are we playing following the leader... If so can I be the leader?"  Bill excitingly sprung around them cheerfully his pet mice  heather, Nicole, chubby cheeks and tiny mouse  hitched a ride on his back their tiny hands hung onto his lushes black mane 

" No bill.. Unfortunately we are not playing... I wouldn't be playing with  you know who" Taylor rolled his eyes and stomped his way behind strify

 "Your friend didn't complete his job Bill" Strify cleared his voice halting for a minute turning  towards Taylor, Luke and bill.

 Now Bill  was a 17H tall Morgan Belgian draft mixed, he was crazy at time, and being affected with ADHD didn't help, he couldn't keep a relationship if you paid him to, While Strify was thinking up a probably cruel punishment for Taylor and Luke , Taylor was thinking about his own plan, Ricky was making his way to the Dandelion patch with his best-friend Fancy (Abaco barb mare and cousins to Buddy one the of the lead stallions) 

"Oh Ricky" Taylor shouted

Ricky turned his attention and his listening ears to Taylor  "Did you say something tay tay?"   he blissfully smiled at Taylor while fancy grazed on the dandelions , Ricky was one of the most forgiving  and kind hearted people around that part and that I guess sometimes can be bad.

"Actually I did... can you come here just for a minute" Taylor asked politely, although he didn't mean words like "Please or thank you" he used them for his advantage, strify bent his leg and rested it

"I'll be right back" Ricky nudged fancy and playfully ran down the hill to Taylor, Luke and bill and of  course strify "What do ya'll need?" he asked 

"Wellllllll, I was wondering if you could go ask your sister Chelsea (Chestnut mare) to come here for just a minute, it's really urgent" Taylor explained Ricky didn't see a problem with it and he nodded 

"Chelsea, can you come here" Ricky asked  and stood next to Taylor "You do relies, you could have just yelled for her yourself... but I guess you just couldn't stay away from me, I get it" Ricky laughed   as Chelsea lolly-gagged  towards them

Chelsea was Ricky's younger sister, and has probably been married to about everyone in this herd or at least a crush (Not kidding lol) she's been carrying this heavy crush on strify, but I mean who could resist strify, blonde hair, beautiful crystal blue eyes, handsome accent  he was the definition of perfect.

 "Hi strify" Chelsea said and rubbed against him, going under his neck and around his side  stopping. "So what's the problem?" She asked 

Taylor smirked "OH well strify looked like he needed a friend, and I thought there's no one better then you Chelsea" he laughed nervously 

"I don't need a friend, so Chelsea you can go" Stirfy sighed roughly "Enough wasting time, we could've been to the leaders and back now, but no"  he jerked his head up

"Oh it's fine strify, we can hang" Chelsea blushed and smiled 

"Yeah really you need a day off, we promise we wont get into anymore trouble, Cross my heart" Taylor  nodded  "And hope to die" Bill said "Stick a needle in my eye" Luke finished there sentence 

"Come on strify, I have to show you this anyways" Chelsea said giggly  and nibbled on his mane pulling him to follow with an evil glare he followed Chelsea and looked to Taylor, bill, and Luke , Right there was strifys fault  he just couldn't say No to a pretty girl 

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