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WHO KNEW that tony stark would be the fatherly type? with all his arrogance and how he never had any affection from his father, you'd think he wouldn't have kids. ever.

but, surprisingly, on august 27th, 2001, the light of his life was born. the one person he loved more than himself. theodosia rose stark. from the moment he laid eyes on her, she was wrapped around his finger.

she came from an ex-shield agent, her mother. known as "the mind", josephine williamson was one of the lesser known avengers. she was the effect of a freak birth defect that happened when her mother had an accident with the nuclear waste plant. so, obviously, she had inherited powers that were far too powerful for anyone to comprehend.

you'd think this is the part where we recite the story of how josephine and tony fell in love, and had a child. but, sadly, that's not how it went. josephine and tony had sexual relations for sure, but no romance. once she fell pregnant, she refused to tell anyone, disappearing from the avengers precinct one day with her belongings gone and a note on her bed with two words.

"i'm sorry."

after that, josephine took care of herself, taking all of the prenatal vitamins and going to the doctors appointments. but, under a new name. amanda mcarthur. no one knew what ever happened to the girl. once she had given birth, the stress took over her thoughts. she snapped under the new pressure of being a mother, so she dropped dear theodosia in a basket at tony stark's doorstep and disappeared again without a trace.

at the ripe age of five, theo started to move things with her mind, shape-shift, have sonic hearing, become invisible and teleport. as you can probably guess, this was a surprise for tony. it scared the hell out of him, but he would never admit it. he was scared for his daughter's safety.

so, he promised himself he'd protect his daughter with his life, no matter what.

tony homeschooled her, buying her all of the school books and letting her work with him in his workshop. he hid her from the press in fear that she would be used against tony or as collateral. he was terrified. but, that didn't stop him from giving her the life he knew she deserved.

no one knew, or even had a clue, that tony stark had a daughter. for a bit, theo thought this was because her father hated her existence, wanting to keep her hidden because he was ashamed. but, at the end of the day, she knew her father really loved her.

as she grew older, she was becoming the spitting image of tony stark. they could be twins. she had brown wavy hair that was usually kept in a pony tail when she was working with her dad on projects. though, she had these big blue eyes. she got the blue eyes from her mom. puppy dog eyes, as her father called it. she used them to get what she wanted. she was also short, like her father. she stood at 5'0.

although, theo could be a smartass sometimes. but, tony didn't expect anything less. she was his daughter for christ sake, it was in her nature. but, she was also a sweetheart. she cared for people. sometimes too much. "your kindness will be the death of you!" her father would sometimes say. he was only joking. but deep down it scared him, how much she cared, she knew someone would take advantage of it one day.

but, besides that fear, tony loved it. when she was little, or younger, theo would watch him build his suit. she helped him by handing him tools.

when tony was first kidnapped, the reason for making the ironman suit, theo was distraught. she was only eight years old at the time. it took a toll on her. she didn't eat, she couldn't sleep.

tony only thought about theo when he was kidnapped. and how he needed to get back to his little girl, like his life had depended on it. because it, well, actually did.

pepper had grown fond of the little girl. her attitude had grown on her. and she treated her like her own daughter.

theo was tony's sweet little girl. nothing could ever take her away from him. no one. she was in the safety of his hold. but there was always the feeling that one day she would want to leave.

and that day finally came.


word count 753 words

author's note hello! thank you for taking the time to read my book! i had written this months ago and i have revised it and it is finished! just a few touch up and then everything will be posted! look out for those ;)

p.s tony stark is totally a hamilton fan


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