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FROM THE moment she could talk, theo had been a stubborn and persistent little girl. nothing could stop her from getting what she wanted. pepper always said that the reason for this was because of how much her father spoiled her.

so, when theo had overheard her father and her uncle rhodey having a conversation about how rhodey thought it would be a good idea to have someone spy on their new recruit, theo quickly jumped on the opportunity.

theo had wandered upstairs from her father's workshop, clad in the AC/DC shirt she had stolen from her father's closet. she had been working on her father's suit, trying to make some adjustments to it. that's when she overheard the adults talking.

rhodey had let out a sigh of annoyance because of tony's stubbornness. "tony, he's a fifteen year old boy that we picked up from the street. someone should be watching him to make sure he doesn't spill." he said, crossing his arms as he watched tony's reaction.

tony shook his head and scoffed. "don't you think that's a little much? a spy? for, exactly, a fifteen year old boy!" he exclaimed, waving his hands around as he spoke.

"all i'm saying is that, i don't know if we could really trust him. he knows almost everything about what's going on with the avengers right now. he knows about bucky. we should be careful." he continued.

"think about it, tony." rhodey then said.

theo then walked into view of the adults, their attention immediately going to the smaller girl. she smiled widely at them, going over to greet them.

she wrapped her arms around her fathers neck and kissed his cheek. "hey, dad." she said softly, ruffling his hair a bit. tony stopped slouching a bit, as if to make a good impression on his daughter so she wouldn't slouch.

tony smiled a bit, eying her shirt as he looked at her. "hey kiddo, nice shirt. where'd you get it?" he asked sarcastically, picking at the fabric and chuckling.

theo giggled, slapping his hand away playfully. "you're not the only one who likes AC/DC!" she exclaimed. she then turned to rhodey, pulling him into a loving hug. "i missed you, you should visit more." she comments softly.

he smiled. "hey squirt." he said. he had missed the presence of the bubbly child.

finally, theo turned to her dad. "so... dad... i overheard you guys talking... about the rookie? peter? yeah... so i was thinking..." she trailed, not getting straight to the point right away.

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