chapter 6

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__"I wish I could go back to the day I meet you and just walk away

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"I wish I could go back to the day I meet you and just walk away. Because honestly, it would've saved me so much pain."

Lillie Jones P.O.V.

I tap my feet against the floor, leaning my head against the window.
"How much longer?" I groan, Jonah and me decided on hanging out today at the Why Don't We household.

All I know is that we're going to make a cover and play around in a non-sexual way, "Five more minutes, ma'm." My private driver replies, I take out my phone and text Jonah about me being there in five.

As the five minutes passed, we went up on a hill full of elegant big houses- But unfortunately not as big as mine which is around three times bigger. I mean, I got a movie theater, amphitheater, mini golf, etc.

We pause in front of a house that is white and brown, "Thank you! I'll text you when I'm ready to go." I tell my driver while getting out. I walk to the front door, hitting the door bell.


The door swings open and there stands Zach, "Hello there, mate." I joke. I wish I could be British.

"Morning Lil." Zach lets me in but not before engulfing me into a big bear hug, "Zach! I'm here for Jonah!" I giggle, pushing him away playfully.

"Lillie?!" I hear Jonah's voice and footsteps coming down the stairs, "Good morning Jonah!" I wave at him.

"Morning!" Jonah waves back at me.
"Who is it?" I hear Daniel say, and he soon appears in the connected living room to the front door.

"Hi Daniel." I give him a smile, "Lillie!!" Daniel picks me up by the waist, giving me a twirl.

"Ahh! What got you in a good mood today?" I wonder as he lets me down, "You." He flirts, winking my direction.

"Wow! Zach, we seem to have a lover boy here." I joke, hitting Zach playfully on the shoulder. I look back at Jonah, who's rolling his eyes.

"Come on, rollet." I grab Jonah's wrist, leading him to I don't even know where.

"Where are we going?" Jonah wonders, I turn towards him, "I do not know but I believe the.... kitchen?" I ramble, making him chuckle.

"This way." And he leads me the correct way to an empty living room, "I got a paper with a small section of a song... The small problem is that you'll have to rap a little bit." I hand him the paper, him scanning the whole song.

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