chapter 9

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__"People change

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"People change. They end up having nothing to say to each other, even if they were best friends the year before."

Lillie Jones P.O.V.

I dial a number I've learn by heart in the last few days.

"What's up?"

"Hey, Daniel... I want to get a tattoo of 'Yes Girl' but I want other people to do it as well. So does any of your band mates or you want to do it? It'll be on the index finger, "Let me check." Daniel puts the call on mute, not letting me listen what's going on in the other line.

I go to the bathroom, washing my teeth.  Excuse me, I just woke up with the brilliant idea of the tattoo.

"Lillie, you there?" I hear Daniel voice come off mute, "OOAHDFA." I try to reply with toothpaste still inside my mouth.

"What was that?" Daniel laughs as I spit out the remaining, "I'm here." I reply with a giggle.

"Everyone agreed, meet you at our place?" Daniel replies, "Yeah, I'll be there in an hour. I finish getting ready, and driving over to the Why Don't We household.


"Bitch its me." I joke as Zach opens the front door. He always seems to be the one to open the door, "Ugh, what are you doing here?" Zach plays on, fake closing the door on me.

"Boi." I exclaim with a laugh as he lets me in, "Where's Daniel?" I add.

"Your lover boy? In the kitchen." Zach replies, I don't even complain as I walk to the kitchen as quite as I could. He's leaning onto the kitchen counter, I wanted to scare him.

"BOO!" I yell, I'm still giving it a try though. But Daniel just shakes his head in front of me, "AHH! YOU SCARED ME!" I hear Jack yell from the living room sarcastically.

"Nailed that." I do an air fist bump for congratulations for myself... On trying to scare someone, "But, how you been?" I add but only for Daniel.

"Good. You, doll?" I blush at his nickname that he just gave me, "Could've been better with you there." I confess, I came home yesterday to have another conversation with my family. This one isn't about the boys, but my reputation in Hollywood because of some events that happened years ago and everyone is starting to come forward but I'm too scared to do so.

"LOVEBIRDS!" Zach yells from the other room, why are they even listening?

I feel like they're violating my privacy... Or can I say amendment?! I wish I payed attention in history class so I could actually make the amendment joke but I don't care right now.

I ignore my thoughts as Daniel wraps his arms around my waist, saying to the sides in a calming way.

"I don't think friends even do this." I blurt out, is it too soon to be doing this? It's just a flirty type, right?

"They don't." Daniel puts his head in the crook of my neck and planting kisses which makes me let out a giggle here and then.

"Hmm.. Then what's going on?"
"I like you and you like me." I want to give him a look but I don't, I'm good just like this.

"You're not ready yet and I'm not going to force you."

"Daniel, is Lillie her-" I hear Jonah's voice get cut off as it gets closer. I turn to see Jonah walking away.

"He's okay?" I ask Daniel, "Yeah, yes." I pull away from Daniel and follow after Jonah who heads to his bedroom.

"Knock knock?" I joke and opening the door slightly open to see Jonah sitting on his bed and scrolling down his phone.

"Can I come in?" I add. But Jonah just shrugs his shoulders as if nothing.

"Whats going on with you?" I ask him as I close the door behind me and sitting beside him. He finally turns off his phone and looks at me, "You and Daniel." He doesn't lets out much and it bothers me.

"So what? What's the big deal?" I try to dig in, "You and Daniel, that's the deal. You just dumped Harper and now you're trying to get with Daniel-" I cut him off.

"I stopped loving Shane when he started treating me like shit. And Daniel is something else-" I argue, "I like you. I FUCKING LIKE YOU! It's hard, having feelings for you but seeing my band mate getting with you." He finally confesses.

He likes me. God, how didn't I even see this.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know it. I should have known, should have stopped me from growing anything for Daniel." I mumble under my breath.

"It's too late, isn't it?" Jonah snaps.
"Look, don't give me an attitude because I didn't do anything wrong. I was just being myself. It's no one's fault-"

"Do you like Daniel?"
"I don't know, I don't see him as a friend but I don't see him as more than a friend. Feel me?"

"Just forget everything." Jonah stands up and walks out.

Guess we're not getting tattoos then...

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