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N: Huh? Me? Well this is new.

"I have a question for Natsuki that only she could know the answer to: Which Doki gives the best cuddles??"

N: Uh.... I dunno... I'm not much of a cuddler...

M: That's not what you said last week~!

N: *blushing* W-What?!

S: Yeah, Nat! *hugs her from behind* We all know you love cuddling!

Y: Don't deny it, Suki.

N: F-Fine! Maybe I like to cuddle a little bit.. But just a bit!!

M: Okay, so which one of us does give the best cuddles?

M, S, & Y: *look at Natsuki expectantly*

N: *blushes deeper, sweating* I-I, uh, um... I-I guess Monika? I-I don't know!

S: Man! I need to step up my cuddle game!!

Y: As do I, apparently...

M: Hehehe~

N: *whines* Can you guys just can it already?!

S & Y: Nope! *tackle Natsuki to the floor, nuzzling into her*

M: *pout* H-Hey! I wanna join too!

N: Don't just stand there Monika help me out!!

S: C'mon, Moni! Join in! *holds out an arm towards Monika*

M: *squeals, joining them on the floor and nuzzling into the embrace*

N: Good grief!!!

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