part i

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It's a chilling feeling of being watched, you feel like you're going to pass out, but never do. Your head pounds, your ears ring, your vision blurs. The world around you twists and turns, spirals into an endless black called the universe. You can't think straight. You hear voices in your head, and you see shadows. You thought you saw someone outside the window staring at you, but then you realize that no one is actually there. This is what it feels like to have your mind read.

I woke up. Images of the dream flashed then quickly disappeared as fast as they came. I didn't know someone could feel this much when they dreamt. It was just before sunrise. Darkness began to fade, and the sun cast a soft glow on my village. I wondered briefly what my horrific dream meant, but didn't think it was a big deal. Could have been a normal nightmare like any other, right?

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As I stepped outside, I was greeted with birdsong and a cool breeze. My gryphon Murkwing soared down to me from the Cobalt Jungle, his jet black wings shining in the golden morning sun. He sat down in front of me and purred. It would have been nicer here if my village wasn't abandoned. I was lonely. But then she came.

She burst through the half broken door, eyes filled with fear. She bolted in my direction, presumably running from something... or someone. When she saw me, when she made eye contact, I thought I saw a glimmer of familiarity. The girl was finally still, but gasping for air. Her dark brown hair was short and messy, and had a faded purple streak in the front. Her bright green eyes were fearful yet menacing, as though she thought I was a threat. I stayed put, not knowing what to do. Then she took a step forward, her ripped, white cloak swishing around her leather boots.

"Uh... hello," my voice shook. I didn't know why. "My name's-"

"I know your name," she snapped. I was taken aback. She continued, "Sorry I scared you. Did I scare you? I'm sorry if I did, It's just..."

"...Just what? How do you know my name?" I wasn't sure whether I should be worried or angry.

"Uhh... I can... read minds." The last two words she mumbled, and it took me a few seconds to figure out what she had said. I stared at her in shock.

She spoke again after what felt like hours. "I'm Mara," she paused. "So you live here?"

I rubbed the back of my head and sighed. "Yeah. I live here."

Mara nodded to Murkwing. "And that's your...?"

"Oh this is Murkwing! He's like a familiar."

"I have one too," Just as she said that, a dark, rust-colored tiger appeared beside her. The one trait that immediately stood out to me was his eyes. His eyes were a cold silver, like two chips of metal staring me down, sizing me up. "This is Quicksilver." Well that explains the eyes.

Then Mara dashed the short distance to me and whispered quickly, "Do you have any weapons?"

"Y-yes," I stammered startled by her sudden movement.

"Get them all. We have to leave," Her voice was stern, dangerous. "I'll tell you later why, just get your weapons and let's go!"

I sprinted back to my cabin for my sword, daggers, and bow. I felt anxious. Mara had been running from something after all, but what? I had so many questions. Why was she running away? Who was after her. Was she born with her mind-reading power or had it been implanted somehow? How far can she hear someone think?

"Far enough! Now hurry up!" I heard her shout. Funny, very funny.

I met Mara at the edge of the village with Murkwing and Quicksilver. She told me to give her the daggers and the bow. I handed them over reluctantly. Mara hopped onto her tiger's striped back, and I hopped onto Murkwing. Murkwing took off and Quicksilver broke into an astonishing run. To my surprise, he was almost faster running than my gryphon flying. I kept looking down at the ground to see if Mara had stopped. The sun was high and it was hot. The Cobalt Jungle and my little empty village were long behind us now.

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