Freddie vs. the Bathtub

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(Chapter 36, Part One of ITYOTC)

(Caution: Mature content. Viewer discretion advised.)

July 8, 1977


"My dearest Evie," I sigh. "What are you afraid of? What are you, of all people, afraid of?"

She doesn't answer me, instead asks, "Are you feeling all right?"

Good Lord. Why do I fucking bother.

It's been an extremely eventful day, by all accounts- and the last two hours were not the most wonderful, what with that horrible scare we had aboard the Starship. I'm rather fried where my feelings are concerned, I'm still a bit shaken from almost being killed,and I'm downright knackered, leaving my nerves raw and tender. In short, I'm not myself.

I make no secret of this when I say sharply to Eve, "You are truly the artful dodger. I'm clearly still not getting anywhere, so let's just cut this out tonight, hm?"

She looks very taken aback, and I at once wish I hadn't been so curt. But there's a knock at the door from the bellboy, who was good enough to carry our one suitcase up after us. I tip him, send him away, close the door. Eve quietly bends down to open it and rummages around for her pyjamas. I'm about to walk past her to get out of her way, when my eyes fall briefly upon her perky little ass, which is upturned and facing me, dressed in cute little lime green shorts. It's a color I don't usually like, but it works on her.

Then again, anything would.

Before I know it, my hand is hovering dangerously close to her bum- but before I can squeeze it, she stands back up and I quickly bend down myself to make it seem as though I was only reaching for the suitcase as well. My heart is pounding. Oh, God, I hope she didn't see that.

Eve disappears into the bathroom, calling, "I'll only be a minute."

"Take your time," I call back. To myself, though, I add, "The longer you spend in there, the better for me."

The door closes, and I sit down on the bed, running my fingers restlessly through my hair while I wait. I know I'm in a weakened state, which is the worst thing to be when trying to play it cool around a girl that's driving you mad. To make matters even worse, we'll be sharing a bed. This is exactly what I feared when we walked in and saw just one bed instead of two. Evie thinks I want another room just because I want to make a scene. That's not even close.

I simply don't want a hard-on tonight, that's all. But I can't say that.

It's not her, in particular, I keep telling myself. I just need to fuck something. Anything. It's nothing to do with her. I know that. Eve just happens to be closest. She's just there, I'm just horny and it's been too fucking long.

Nine days. Nine whole days, almost. It's been so long since I went without for that long. Nothing more. She's beautiful, yes- those eyes, they just kill me sometimes. And the taste of her lips- intoxicating; just this afternoon in Central park, I almost lost it altogether. Of course it doesn't help either that last night I got to see her in nothing but her bra and panties. That's an image I can't seem to fully remove.

Not that I've been really trying...

As soon as I think this, that picture enters my head and I feel myself becoming aroused. Clenching my teeth, I scoop my things up, filling my head with every unattractive image I can to stop myself, and march to the bathroom door. Just before I can knock, the lights go out, and Eve opens the door. Quickly I lower my eyes and brush past her, hoping to high heaven she doesn't see the slight bulge in my trousers.

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