Ch 1 - The End

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Strange caught Tony's his eye and in that moment the world around him slowed. He held up a single finger. He knew what it meant, this was their one chance. The only opportunity they had to pull this all off. He had a feeling. A chill ran down his spin but he knew what he had to do. He'd prepared for this. No matter the cost he couldn't let him get the stones.

Thanos slipped the Stark gauntlet over his meat mitten, that same sinister look in his eye from 5 years ago. Not again, oh god they couldn't let this happen all over not when they were this close. Tony forced his legs to stand and bare his weight. He felt desperate, this was it no do over. He balled his fist at the thought. Their last resort, the fail safe he installed just in case. Next thing he knew he was charging towards the tyrant.

Tony threw himself at Thanos, tackling him. Given he was a fourth of his size he was clinging to the giant just barely able to set his hands on the glove before Thanos effortlessly flung him off. He landed hard on his side fairly far from his assailant.

Thanos grinned maliciously, his dream within reach. He snapped the iron infinity gauntlet but it did nothing more than produce a pale echoing ring. He stared blankly back at the glove before turning his hand over to reveal all the stones removed.

"Missing something?" Thanos looked over his shoulder to see the human now standing. However his sights fell on the glowing stones shifting into Tony's own armor, settling in their original position on his knuckles.

Once the stones aligned he was hit with a massive surge of energy. Even as it crept up his right side he ignored the pain, feeling numb from adrenaline. Just to possess every one of them like this was tearing his mortal body apart. He knew he wouldn't be able to withstand it much longer. The two locked eyes for a split second the realization flushing over Thanos' features.

Tony shifted past his enemy looking over to his friends who were still fighting in the background. There were a few panicked faces the noticed what he was about to do. He could tell Pepper was yelling something from far way he couldn't make out but knew clearly. Tony smirked, he wasn't afraid it was a reality he'd come to terms with long ago.

He gritted his teeth ignoring the pain as he forced his fingers to meet; it was now or never.

"I am Iron man."

Snap. A surge of power exploded through his body sending with it a massive shockwave that shook the entire battlefield. The fighting stopped.

The look his enemy reflected was his own 5 years ago, when they'd lost. But this time it was different they'd fought like hell and it was Thanos lost. They watched as his entire army crumbled to dust the way many of them had years ago. Thanos knew when his armada slowly fizzled away around him. It was the end and he too felt himself slipping away.

Tony forced himself to stand, his whole body felt numb. He panted heavily stumbling into some rubble, sliding down until he met the ground. Watching from his place as their attackers vanished around them. Even though he should be worried about the absence of feeling on his right side, he felt relived. This was what they were fighting for, they won.

Those in the middle of battle stopped and rallied at their sudden victory and although in the midst of confusion it didn't take long for them to realize what happened. It was the one chance they had and he took it.

Rhodey touched down beside him. He'd seen everything from the air and was the first at his side. He kneeled down next to him taking his head in his armored hand. He knew the moment the locked eyes this was the end. He smiled bitterly hiding his emotion from his dying friend in his last moments.

The next instant Peter swung up to them, haven recently returned from the other side. He had no idea what was going on only that everything happened so fast and now. "Mr. Stark?"

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