CHAPTER 8: Toast

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A/N: hi guys sorry for the late update. dont worry because for those reading this story ill do a triple (maybe a quadruple update hehe) today so be ready for that. of course i wanna thank those who really read and voted for this story it means so much to me. now carry on hehe 


Lisa was just getting up when Jennie arrives back from her morning jog around the lake.

"Good morning," the brunette chirps.

"Eugh. Do you have to be so cheerful this early?"

"What's there to not be cheerful about? The sun is shining and it's a brand new day, full of possibilities." She picks up the younger blonde and jovially and spins her around.

"Eww. Put me down, you are sweaty and gross." Once her feet are safely back on terra firma, she watches as Jennie starts to gather her uniform together. She has never seen her friend look so relaxed and happy. The brunette has had a constant smile on her face for weeks, that not even bad sessions at work have been able to wipe off. She's even whistling, badly, but still. "So this is what you're like after a kiss, I dread to think what you'll be like after a bit of the old horizontal mambo," she wiggles her eyebrows when the brunette turns to look at her. "I'm half expecting you to start vomiting rainbows and butterflies." She begins to dig around a cupboard to get her uniform together as Jennie makes her way to the bathroom.

The brunette pulls off her running vest as she approaches the bathroom door, turning around she calls to her friend, "Lis?"

The blonde turns to look at her, "yeah?"

She chucks her sweaty vest at her friends head and quickly locks the bathroom door behind her, laughing as she does so.

"Ewwwwwwww," she hears from her disgusted friend. A gentle thud can't be heard against the door, her vest, she's guessing. "I don't like you when you are in love," she yells at the sweaty woman through the door.

Jennie just shakes her head, laughing, not acknowledging her friends statement. She strips down and steps into the shower, letting the warm water cascade down her muscled form. Her mind drifts to the incredible kiss she shared with Jisoo. It's all she's been able to think about since it happened. Jisoo had felt so perfect in her arms, as if that was their intended person in life, to hold the beautiful woman against her. She hurries through the shower, excited that she would be seeing Jisoo again.


The alarm blares throughout the cabin, waking all three women up. Jisoo reaches over to turn it off, amidst grumbling from her roommates.

"What times is it," Soojoo asks, her voice husky with sleep.

"Seven," Jisoo replies.

"What? In the morning? I always thought it was a myth that there was two in a day," Irene jokes. She usually wasn't a morning person but even she was quite excited for the day ahead. She had almost given up hope of her sister ever finding anyone. Jennie had been a total revelation.

They all started getting ready for the day, Irene even changing from her heels after a bit of persuading. Once they were all dressed and ready, they made their way over to the canteen for some breakfast before a day of activities.

As the queued, the red head's eyes were searching for Jennie, who she found to be sitting on the far side on the room, with her colleagues. Jennie was oblivious to Jisoo's presence in the room, too busy listening to one of her colleagues talking, Wendy, she thinks the woman is called, remembering her from the introduction the night before. She feels a little sad that Jennie is unaware that she's there. She wants to go talk to the brunette but she knows that have to be careful. Jennie had told her that her colleagues knew about Jisoo, and that she would be there that weekend. Yang was of course not to be informed of this as there was a strict policy about fraternizing with the guests. Lisa had been the only one to break this rule up until last night, but Yang had never known. He lived on site so they had to be subtle.

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