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Mistake. Of course." She replied quietly and went out closing the door behind her.


I shouldn't have done that. I don't regret last night, I just panicked and partly because I didn't know how she was going to react.

However, what I do regret is saying that crap to her.

Sighing, I hopped in the shower to relax my mind and muscles and both. I brought her to the room last night. My room. She was so perfect in every way, it was surreal.

After shower, I got dressed and went downstairs. In hopes to avoid Savannah, I decided to skip going to the kitchen where she most definitely would be right now since Mrs. Cooper can't come today because she had to go to her niece's school to watch her stage play.

My hand on the door knob froze when I heard her voice.

"Adam." she called.

I took a deep breath and turned around to see her standing at the door frame of the kitchen dressed in a semi formal attire. Her hair tied in a loose bun. She looked beautiful. Nothing unusual.

She raised a brow and motioned me silently towards the kitchen which I did follow like a lost puppy

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She raised a brow and motioned me silently towards the kitchen which I did follow like a lost puppy.

"Why were you going without breakfast?" she asked placing a plate of waffles in front of me.

"I have an early meeting." I replied not meeting her questioning gaze.

"Yeah? The last I checked, your meeting starts at eleven and it's not even ten yet. And it only takes twenty minutes to reach your office." she stated.

I looked at her dumbfounded and she just smiled in return.

"If it's about last night, you don't have to avoid me. We have both come to terms that it was a mistake. It's alright." she said softly caressing my jaw with her thumb.

I leaned into her touch and buried my face in her belly. She wrapped her hands around my neck and ran her fingers through my hair.

"I'm sorry." I said but it came out muffled.

She pulled back after a while and kissed my forehead before proceeding to go to her side and sat down.

"Ivan called me almost an hour ago and told me to come to the investor's meeting today. Says he has a project, he needs my approval for." she shrugged and continued to sip on her orange juice.

"Alright, I'll take you." I said.

"No. I'll come on my own. I have to go to the hospital afterwards for an operation." she replied.

"You're a heart surgeon by profession, right?" I asked.

She nodded and looked at me skeptically.

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