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She was gone.

It has been five days. I looked everywhere for her. Searched every nook and corner of the entire goddamned States, even Russia.

But she was nowhere to be found.
Moya zhena. (My wife) Moy Isa. (My Isa)

I was fucking devastated.

So many emotions whirled inside of me at once making the situation twenty times more overwhelming.

It was all my fault. Mine and mine alone.

I knew who was behind it. I should have been more careful. I shouldn't have given Roger off for Christmas.


I slammed the glass of whiskey in the wall causing it to break into tiny shards.

A memory flashed in front of my eyes and a small smile lifted my the edges of my mouth.

The way she sat on my lap feeding me food, despite me throwing the plates away almost everyday when mom died.

She has always been there for me even when I kept fucking up.

She knew the right things to do and say. Hell, she was so right. Felt so right.

The door to my home office opened and in walked Nate.

"If you're here to lecture me or criticize me on how I couldn't protect her, go away." I dismissed him dryly.

"I opened her gift you know." he said in a lower voice.

Quietly taking place in the chair opposite to mine, he grabbed the paperweight and started inspecting it from all four sides.

"What?" I asked not sure if I heard him right the first time.

"I opened the Christmas present Belle gave me, yesterday." he spoke again, clearer this time.

"And?" I looked at him curiously.

"It was a watch." he said.

He opened his mouth again "that ticks with pulse."

"Always wanted one. Always. And she got me." he added and smiled.

On his wrist, I could see a matte black watch and he looked at it as if it was the missing piece to his jigsaw puzzle. As if he won a lottery, as if it was his most priced possession.

I could see tears glistening in his eyes but just like me, he refused to let them free.

I felt a layer of moisture in my eyes but blinked it back as soon as it came.

"I really want her back, you know. I was a dick to her. Just five days ago, things seemed to be okay for once and I wanted to start fresh with her. She forgave me." I whispered.

I vividly remember each detail of that cursed night, the moment when I called her and there was no response. Or the one where I found the front door ajar and almost lost my shit when I found a water bottle lying on the floor near it.

"We have to take the matters in our hands, the police ain't gonna do shit." Nate spoke after a long silence.

Ashton Hales.

The person responsible for every bad event that ever occurred in my life. The person who put me and my family through so much misery, it seemed almost impossible to recover at one point. But we did it, we stood united.

"I can't lose her." I said to no one in particular.

"Nor can I." Nate looked up at me.
I noticed in that moment how tired he look with messy hair and bags under his eyes, same as mine.

Drew and Zachary entered with a mixture of annoyance, anxiousness and concern on their faces.

"Did you guys find anything?" I asked swallowing the hard, familiar lump forming in my throat and wished that the answer would be no.

"No. We checked all the hospitals here and in Russia too." Zach replied.

I sighed somewhat in relief.

My lungs were constricting painfully inside my chest. I wanted her here with me at any cost.

"Probably should have valued her while you had her instead of sticking your face in another whore's vagina." Drew spat venomously.

My eyes snapped to his with a hard glare.

"This is what you want to talk about, right now?" I asked, my voice dropping dangerously low.

He scoffed bitterly and eyed me with disgust.

"Truth's a bitch, no? Even if the time and circumstances are well." he sassed.

At once, I was out of my chair and slammed his body against the near wall with my hand wrapped around his throat.

He chuckled humorlessly and shook his head.

"Your anger can cost you your life." he spoke calmly.

I knew what he was talking about. My anger at the present time could definitely cost me everything, specially my wife.

I don't even know if she was alive. She has to be. She can't leave just when I got her.

I released Drew and he fixed his collar. Zach and Nate knew better than to interfere.

I ran a hand through my hair and groaned.

"Try calling Ashton again." Zach said.

"I did. The bastard's number is off and his office has been closed this entire week. I even checked his condo, nothing." I sighed feeling dejected.

"What's the matter between you and him?" Nate asked looking at me questioningly.

"He and I used to be high school fellows which blossomed into an inseparable friendship by the time senior year rolled in. Stuff happened, things went South. He became my biggest and only enemy." I briefed.

"What stuff?" he pried.

I knew it was coming. I was not prepared to talked about it. I don't think I ever could be even in a thousand years.

Yet I swallowed the bitterness down and masked my face with a blank expression to utter the next painful words.

"He raped and murdered my sister."


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