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You were finally with him, in his arms, feeling the rapid beating of his heart against your cheek as he held you close to him. You didn't want to let go, and something told you that neither did he. So, you stayed there for a little while, embracing each other, savoring every second. At least you did until Taehyung suddenly started to yell.

"Namjoon-ah! Can you let go of her so the rest of us can meet her already?!" The way he spoke was very dramatic, and the pout he had on his lips made both you and Namjoon laugh as the two of you turned to look at his friend.

"I'm sorry Tae, come and say hi." He spoke and loosened his arms that until now had rested perfectly around your waist. Afterwards he took a few steps back, a move you found weird. At least that was until the five remaining boys came running towards you.

He laughed at your puzzled facial expression as they stared bombarding you with questions and names. He stood back and looked at the giant grin on your face, as you tried to remember everything they said. You looked up to see Namjoon watching you, he had a sweet and gentle smile painted on his lips. You raised one of your brows, a silent way to ask him for the reason behind his smile, as response he shook his head a little and kept looking at the scene before him.

You talked to all of the boys for a few minutes, or at least until their leader broke through and said: "Okay I think that's enough for now. You can grill her for information tonight after the concert."

"You guys have a concert tonight?" You looked at him, with a stern look, and heard Jungkook sing: Someone's in trouble, as they all moved away from you to make room for their leader.

"Yeah we do, it's kind of why we're in the states after all." He flashed you a shy dimple smile with that statement. He was teasing you, and that caused you to roll your eyes at him. He let out a deep chuckle as he pulled you close to him. And once again he rested his forehead against yours.

"Don't worry Moonie, I'll always make time in my schedule for you."

You shivered at his statement and the promise in his emotions, he meant every word, and he needed you to know that you now were a priority in his life and his every day.

You nodded and pressed your nose against his for a few seconds, savoring how his breath hitched in his throat as your lips were now only a few centimeters away from his. As he looked down at you, you became lost in his hooded eyes. The love and need they held took your breath away and made it almost impossible for you to breathe. Because of that your lungs were grateful when Jin coughed, and disturbed the trance your soulmate had trapped you in.

"Namjoon I know that this is as important as it gets, but we need to be back within the hour, we can't disappoint ARMY." His smile was soft, and his eyes a little sad. The both of you understood why, he had to go now, he had to leave, now that you've finally got him.

You didn't think it was possible, but he pulled you even closer to him and kissed your forehead as a tear escaped your eye. The last thing you wanted was for him to leave you alone, so you whispered: "Take me with you, don't leave me..." You voice were trembling and desperate, another kiss was placed, this time on your cheek as he said: "Okay." With that he grabbed your hand, said something to his brothers in Korean, and dragged you out of the hall.

He stopped when you stood outside the school, your hand tangled in his. He lighted up the city as he stood there, looking around a little confused. Then he shook his head as she smiled a little.

"Yeah this would've worked out way better if I knew where you lived." You couldn't help but to laugh a little at him.

"Come, follow me and I'll show you"

You linked your arm with his and pulled him around the city, his security team not far behind you. The silence was comfortable and not as awkward as you've always feared, and whenever his skin brushed against yours small lightning bolts traveled through your body.

"We're here..." You said as you opened your outer door with a passcode and let the both of you into the small lobby of your apartment building. He looked around with a small smirk on his lips. "Bear with me okay? I wasn't really expecting company today, so it might not be as clean as you expect."

He chuckled lightly by your statement and said. "Moonie I'm not sure if you know this, but I share an apartment with six boys in their twenties, who spend all their time either rapping, singing or dancing." He spoke as you stepped into the elevator, and as you pressed the button he continued: "So trust me I've seen it all before." You couldn't help but laugh a little at his statement. At least he wasn't too judgmental.

As you opened the door to your apartment and stepped in with Namjoon right behind you. It wasn't big, but it was yours. You sat down on your bed as you watched him peacefully. He looked around at all the decorations there were spread around the apartment. He enjoyed every little moment of it, because it gave him an idea of what kind of person you were.

"It's nice!" He said it as he looked at you, smiling that dimple smile that made your heart melt. You chuckled a little, and that when a small 'miaow' was heard from under the bed. Somehow Namjoon's smile became even brighter than it was before. "You have a cat I see, what its name?"

"Her name is Kenza, but she's not that social, especially when it comes to people she hasn't met before. So don't get all grumpy when she doesn't want to come out" You winked at him, and once again he flashed you his dimples.

He sat down at the floor as he held out his hand and said: "I think you forget that the two of us is made from the same soul, so if Kenza loves you..." as he spoke she came out from under your bed and moved towards him. And as he spoke the last few words, she let him pet her "... She loves me too."

This man who sat in front of you, with your cat in his arms, had in the last 24 hours turned your world upside down. He was everything you had ever dreamed off, everything you had ever hoped you deserved.

As he sat there looking up at you, all he could feel was love and excitement. The love he felt for you grew stronger every second. The need to have you around all the time, was like a magnetic pull he couldn't ignore. He dreaded the day he had to leave New York and leave you behind in the big city without him to protect you. But something told him that the two of you would be okay.

He stood up and let go of you cat as he said. "Pack a bag love, I'm taking you with me for a few days." You stood up and looked him in the eyes, as he sat Kenza down on your bed. "So tell me, Kim Namjoon, where you taking me?" Your eyes had his devoted attention, because as you looked at him, they had a sparkle and a fire, that made him lightheaded and a little dizzy.

"I'm taking you home with me, taking you to where you belong, which is right by my side... always" 

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