Chapter 1: Arranged Marrige Sucks

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I wake up to my maids cleaning my room. My mother must have sent them in here, since I've already told them I don't want them in here. They might find my journal,and then my parents probably won't let me out of their sight, or the guards' sight that is. They are always far too "busy" for me. Always throwing their stupid parties, which they don't even bother to let me attend. And so I am forever stuck in my room, waiting to be married off to some English prince. It may seem like a fairytail to some. A princess who is neglected all day and night to be rescued by a prince who will love her. Yeah, the catch is this marriage isn't for love. It's so my parents don't have to worry about me anymore and get a bit of money too. Actually a lot of money. At least they didn't sell me away to a poor man for a euro or two, but I'm sure they probably would.

I break from my thoughts and get dressed. Since I didn't have any help, I skipped putting on my corset, thank God. Next I put half my hair up and left half down. I don't even want to try the curling iron... It was a mess last time I tried to do it myself. After I thought I looked descent and my mother wouldn't have a fit. She always wanted me to look my best for no apparent reason. I walk down the long hallway, admiring the soft pink wallpaper covered in lovely white flowers. My grandmother picked out the wallpaper. She lived here too, before she passed away 5 years ago. She was really the only one who loved me, who cared for me. When she died I was devastated. I wouldn't leave my room and I wouldn't talk. I only allowed my cousin Lafayette into my room. I guess other than grandmother he was a dear friend to me. Much more loving than my parents. Behind me I hear a pitter patter of heels. My mother. I put on a sweet smile and turn around, hands crossed in front of me.

"Hello, mother." I say as sweetly as possible. Inside I was deciding whether or not to run away.

"Hello, dear. Your father and I were looking for you. You see, the boat to England has come early, and Prince George Fredericks is here to see you. And- dear me. that dress will simply not do! Back to your room! You must look presentable!"

I sigh as I pass her, back into my room. This time several maids are waiting for me. They curl my hair, put as much makeup as I allowed on my face, and put me into a corset. Delightful. Next I was dressed up in gold jewelry. Rings, necklaces, and the little bronze locket I keep on at all times. A gift from my grandmother. Finally the maids all bow and leave. I look at myself in the mirror and barely recognize myself! I look completely different from my usual self,  and I don't like it at all.

Once again, I am walking down the long hall, this time making it to the staircase. From the top step I can see my mother and father. And the prince. He's tall, and looking down at my mother as they talk and laugh about god knows what. I clear my throat and suddenly all eyes were on me. My mother looked proud of me, probably because I dressed up. And my father was looking at me with his usually blank expression. Then there was Prince George. As much as I hate to admit it, he was extremely handsome. He had deep blue eyes and a muscular frame from under his clothes. I walk down the steps with dignity, my head high. As I get closer, I can see dirty blonde curls peeking from under his powdered wig. What a ridiculous fashion trend! Wigs looked very stupid on men, women too, and made them look old. I stopped thinking about wigs when he smiled though. In fact i stopped all together when he smiled! Then he spoke, and I think my heart stopped. I SHOULDN'T BE BLUSHING!!

"Princess Y/n. Its so very wonderful to finally meet you, love. I've anxiously awaited this moment since your parents had first contacted me."

I hate how he smiles. Like a devil. A handsome devil...

"And you as well, Prince George." I give a polite smile.

After a few hours of My parents and him talking, we finally set sail to England.




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