Chapter 2: The Boat Ride "Home"

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Y/n's POV

I sat on the large bed that was provided in the boat's sleeping quarters. I couldn't help but enjoy the boat ride a little bit. It was my first time on a boat after all. It has only been 3 hours since we've set sail and I haven't gotten sea sick like my father says he does. I've spent only an hour on deck enjoying the salty sea air while Prince George was below deck changing. After he came up on deck I went down to our sleeping quarters to hide. It was working so far, but then someone started knocking on my door.

"Princess Y/n? Are you in there?"

I bite my lip in annoyance "Yes. Who is it?" I asked in a much sweeter tone than my facial expression gave off.

"Its George. May I come in?"

I think about it for a bit and decide that maybe I'm being too hard on him.  After all, its not his fault my parents are irresponsible. "Yes, you may." I quickly sit in a proper position instead of laying spread out on the bed like a defeated soldier.

"Are you all right, Love? You've been in here quite a while. I was starting to worry." I looked at him. He did look a bit worried... Now I feel bad! Here I am having a hissy fit about something all princesses go through and this poor man is worried about me!

I smile and pat for him to sit down. He sits down a little too close but since he seemed to care about me, I let him.

"You have no need to worry about me.  I'm sure there are things you need to do that are far more important than me." I rest my hand on his shoulder reasuringly. "I'm fine."

He slightly smiled. "Princess-"

"Just call me Y/n."

"Y/n, there is nothing else more important to me than you."

My eyes shot open and I blushed bright tomato red.  I covered my mouth with my hand. Never has a man been so ford with me!

"Prince George! How very ford of you!  I was not expecting that!"

He chuckled "Ah, I tend to speak my mind."

"Yes, I noticed." I couldn't help but giggle along with him. Maybe he isn't the stuck up jerk I thought he was going to be. I relaxed and layed back on the large bed.

" I really was excited to meet you, love."

"Hm? I was very annoyed with my parents. I was scared of meeting you."


" Yes. I thought you would be like the first man my mother tried marrying me off to."

"Your parents have been trying to marry you off to others?" He looked a bit angry, which made me nervous. Was he mad at me?

"Um, yes. For years now. I'm just not worth their ti-"



He sighed. I sat up just in case he had a fit, I could run. I was accustom to running from father while he was drunk.

"Your worth more than all the riches in the world."

This time my stomach felt like it did a flip. His piercing eyes looking directly at her. He squeezed my hand.

"Y/n i-" there was a knock at the door.

"Yes?" I bit my lip once again when a shy voice spoke up.

"Um, dinner is ready..."

"We'll be right out, Samuel."

George sat up and smiled. "Ready?" He held out a hand. Damn him.

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