Chuck's condition

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I have to delete my previous Angry Birds series to make the new a one a little better. There are some chapters that have no changes, but with additional scenes and words and all. Enjoy this first chapter!


It's a beautiful day at the beach, and it's a perfect place and perfect time for four best friends to have a picnic. Red, Bomb and Aggie came to the beach as they unpacked their picnic supplies.

"It's awfully nice of you for making a picnic here in the beach, Aggie." Red thanked as he helped Aggie place the picnic blanket on the sand.

"Well, I know you really missed living in the beach so I made this picnic for you. But I know you loved living in the village most." Aggie explained, making Red blushed.

Bomb opened one of the two picnic baskets, and took out a bowl of fruits, and a plate of fried worms, "Wow cous, you really know me. Fried worms is my favorite."

"It's also my favorite, cous. But don't eat them yet." Aggie said to her "cousin", "We have to wait for Chuck. I don't get it. That bird is so fast. This is the first time I see him late."

"Probably, he gets speeding ticket again." Red guessed.

"OW! OW! OW!" Chuck groaned in pain as he walked towards his friends, "Hi guys."

"Oh, hi Chuck!" Bomb greeted.

When Red, Bomb, and Aggie looked down, they saw a big boil on his foot. They gasped in horror and disgust. It's like they saw a ghost or a corpse.

"What the heck is that?!" Red yelled in fear.

"I don't know, but it hurts so much!" Chuck cried in pain.

"It looks like blister." Aggie rubbed her chin, "That is one serious condition. Because of your non-stop running, you never give your feet some rest."

"You need to see a doctor." Bomb suggested.

"D-d-d-doctor?!" Chuck stammered in fear as he backed away. "No. no. no! No doctor." While he backed away, Chuck accidentally stepped on a nail by the foot where the blister is. He exclaimed in pain, and fell on the picnic blanket, hugging his foot, "Oh, what am I gonna do?"

"Don't worry, Chuck. Bomb, Aggie, and I will find you a cure." Red said in serious tone.

"No doctors?" Chuck cried.

"No doctors!" Red, Bomb, and Aggie promised.


In Aggie's kitchen, she took a large scoop of honey from a jar.

"Here you go. My cure-all remedy. Honey." Aggie poured the honey on Chuck's blister, "That should help with the swelling and soothe the pain."

"That does feel good." Chuck felt so relaxing, until he heard buzzing sounds. He saw a swarm of bees in front of him, smelling the honey on his boil of his foot. The bees then attacked and stinged Chuck as his friends watched in terrify.


"Aw, don't worry, buddy. This next one's sure to work." Red said, "A good old-fashioned foot massage!"

Bomb cracked and rubbed his wings, "My specialty" When Bomb did the massage, Chuck tried to hold the pain.

When Bomb massaged the blister too hard, the boil transferred to Bomb's head. Red climbed on top of Bomb's head to squeeze the blister, but it transferred to Red's head. Aggie climbed on top of Red's head to push the blister in. But ended up back to Chuck's foot, which made Chuck screamed in pain.

Red, Bomb, and Aggie took Chuck to Matilda's house, asking for her own treatment, "Okay, Chuck. My treatment to cure this condition of yours is to re-harmonize your aura." Matilda clanged the crystals on Chuck's wings, feet, and forehead one-by-one, until Bomb used a mallet, and smashed the crystal that was on Chuck's blister. Chuck screamed loudly in pain.


When Red, Bomb, and Aggie took Chuck to his house, he just sat on his chair, groaned in pain. His friends looked at each other, feeling pity and worried for Chuck.

"He ain't looking too good, guys." Bomb whispered, "We better try something else."

"It's time to face that." Red said quietly, "We have to take him to the doctor."

Chuck overheard the whole thing as he jumped out of his chair, "What?! I said, no doctors!"

"Now Chuck, take it easy. Nothing to be scared of." Red tried to calm Chuck down as he, Bomb, and Aggie slowly walked towards him.

Chuck slowly backed away until he reached the door, and quickly ran away. But Red, Bomb, and Aggie jumped to catch him, the four rolled down the stairs to the ground. Red, Bomb, and Aggie grabbed Chuck's foot with blister, while Chuck stopped in fear.

"Okay, just gonna head to the doctor." Red said as he, Bomb, and Aggie dragged Chuck's foot with them, while Chuck ran as fast as he can, away from the doctor.

Red, Bomb, and Aggie pushed the other birds aside to run easily to the doctor's office while dragging Chuck's leg. When they were in, they put the foot on the bed. Meanwhile, Chuck ran as far as he can, until he reached on top of Mighty Eagle's cave. He was about to lay down and relax, but his other foot with a blister dragged him back to the village and the doctor's office, which he passed out.


"Chuck? Chuck!" Aggie called out as Chuck woke up, "The treatment work! The blister is gone!" She showed his foot with no more blister.

"Wow. My foot feels good as new." Chuck exclaimed happily.

"See? Nothing to be scared of after all." Red said.

"You were right, what was I thinking." Chuck smiled, "Thanks guys."

"Huh, don't thank us. Thank the doctor."

"Thanks, Doc!" Chuck thanked the doctor

"Oh, don't thank me. Thank my assistants. They're the one who helped me." The doctor explained.

"Thanks, doctor's assistants!" Chuck said.

The doctor's assistants revealed to be the swarm of bees that attacked Chuck earlier as they said in unison, "No problem. It was delicious."

"What?!" Chuck thought the bees ate the blister because of the honey Aggie poured.

Red, Bomb, Aggie, the doctor, and the bees laughed at him, while Chuck hugged his knees, and shivered.


This story was inspired by Mickey Mouse shorts: Flipperboobootosis.

Aggie belongs to me.

I hope you enjoyed it!

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