He's Beautiful

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So enjoy reading this. This chapter was supposed to be Rated M, but there are some stuff are not shown.


Chuck was there eating his meal. He's seemed enjoying it until Judge Peckinpah patted his back.

"Hi Mr. Chuck! What's that you're eating?"

"Two cheese and mushroom pizzas, two milkshakes, and two orders of onion rings." Chuck pointed his meal.

"Ooh, good for you, Mr. Chuck! You got a girl coming?"

"No, it's just for me. Stella's hanging out with her friends."

"You need some help, man. Lucky for you, I have just the thing." The Judge took something from his sheriff hat (that was given by the pigs), and took out a flyer that says, "Judge Peckinpah Dance Class. Every Monday at the Bird Court."

"You teach dance classes?" Chuck asked in impress.

"What, you think I'm just a judge?" Peckinpah chuckled. "After Mr. Red, intentionally, revealed my taller secret, I decided to teach dancing... In the Bird Court. Monday nights. Trust me, women love men who can dance."

As the judge left, Chuck thought that this is gonna be a good opportunity to impress Stella and can ask her out on a date with him.


Meanwhile, Red and Aggie payed Ruby a visit since they've heard she already laid an egg... or is it?

Ruby opened the door and was surprised that her two friends came to visit her.

"Aggie!" She exclaimed and hugged Aggie happily. Then she greeted Red unenthusiastically, but happily. "Red."

"Ruby." Red was also unenthusiastic to greet his ex-fiancée since he was still embarrassed and ashamed when she carried his child or something...

Aggie helped them change the topic. "So how are you've been? How's the egg?"

Ruby was little nervous to tell them the truth. "Actually, it's not an egg..."

Red and Aggie were confused about what Ruby said as they entered her house to see Ruby's egg. But when they did, it is revealed that the nest was carrying, not just one..., but two light red eggs.

Aggie's eyes suddenly widened with tears as she looked at the eggs more closely. It's like she was hypnotized by their cuteness. Red was also happy to have two kids, but he was more ashamed that he thought Aggie was so upset, but she's not.

"Aww! Ruby, I can't believe you lay to eggs. Oh, you make me cry." Aggie cried proudly with tears of joy.

"Aww, thanks, Ags. I was too." Ruby's eyes watered as she stood beside her best friend.

Aggie noticed that Red wasn't so happy about his two new eggs. He'd just shook his head in sadness, still feeling ashamed as he thought his girlfriend would be disappointed.

"Red." Aggie smirked, "I know that look. Are you sad because of these?" She pointed the eggs. "Red, I know how you feel. And to be honest, I'm very proud of you."

Red wiped a little tear from his eyes, and said, "Thanks, Ags. But still, it's really ashamed for me."

"I know it was." Aggie felt the same feeling, but she also had a positive side as she held a hand on his shoulder. "But as long as we're together, I'm fine with it."

The Angry Birds Series: Four birds, one adventureWhere stories live. Discover now