Chapter 5

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The plane journey was long and tiring, yet exciting. The longest plane journey i've been on was 5 and a half hours, this was almost 9. I pulled the short straw and had to sit by myself, the airplane only had 3 seats per row and there was 4 of us. I ended up sitting next to a middle ages girl, who was engrossed in reading and managed to read 2 books within the 9 hours, and a man who seemed to be on a business trip, he mentioned that he always travels too and from the US, he's used to it.

I snagged the window seat, I blared my music throughout most of the journey, occasionally playing on my iPad or reading a few chapters of a book, but mostly I started out the small, oval shaped window. I watched as we left London for the last time in a while, it was still dark when we took off, but gradually got light at around 7:30am. The sunrise from the sky is beautiful by the way. When the captain announced over the loud speaker that we were due to land in around 25 minutes, I quickly checked my phone to see the time, it was 3pm, but obviously that was still set on the GMT timezone..I went to settings and found the correct time zone for Nebraska, it was 9am here! I thought to myself how hard it will be to be able to adjust to the timezone, I wasn't looking forward too it,

As we landed, the sun looked fresh and warm, like the average Autumn morning. I gathered all my belongings from the seat around me and the overhead baggage compartment, looking 2 rows behind I saw my family. I gave them a half smile half slant face, proving I nervous to get off this plane. As I neared the entrance I thought to myself that this is it, the start to my new life. I walked out of the plane door to have a rush of warm air hit me, for the first time I breathed in American air, it felt so fresh in my lungs. As we walked down the steps and neared the airport, I giggled at the chatter I heard around myself, the American accent always made me laugh, it makes me think of shows on TLC, this is what I would hear for the next few years, so I had to grow up.

Going through passport control and finding our luggage took ages, the amount of people on planes that fly to America is amazing, there were so many of us. I wonder if anyone else here is in my position? I had no idea how we were getting from the airport to our new house, I wasn't lying when I said I asked no questions, because I didn't care. We worked our way through to the front entrance, on a brown wall ahead of me I saw writing on the wall; 'Welcome to Omaha.' Omaha. I definitely need to remember that name, I mean, its where I live now.

I was too tired to even fully take notice of the whole journey from the airport, back to the house. I drifted in and out of sleep for what seemed like hours but it turned out to only be around 50 minutes. We drove through a few towns and what looked like some shopping centres, I've learned that Americans call them 'malls'. I was about to zone out again when we turned into a street, my eyes widened, I was completely awake again. No way was this my street, the sat nav said "you are nearing your destination", I was in disbelief. These houses were huge! Back in England, what would be classified as a big house would be a 5 bedroom house, they were rare. The average sized house was usually 4 bedrooms, but they 100% didn't compare to the houses I was currently driving past.

My brother, Adam, his mouth was gaped open and had been for minutes, 


The feeling was mutual.."These are ridiculous this our street?"

"Yes (Y/N), if you had bothered to inquire about our new home a few weeks ago, I would have showed you a few pictures, but you 'didn't care'"

"But these houses are like, huge dad? Ha, I mean, where have we got this money from?!"

"Again, (Y/N), if you had cared a week ago you would have found out that my new job, is going to change a lot for us. The pay is excellent, we have been given so many opportunities from this. I'm so excited"

And with that, all the nerves left my mind. They were replaced with pure excitement and anticipation. We pulled onto the drive of one of the houses in the centre of the street, we were slap bang in the middle. The house had a long, windy stoned path leading up to it from the path. To the right of the house were 2 large garages, both for us I assumed. The left of the house was rounded, with huge curved windows which I assumed was the living room. There were 2 giant white pillars holding up the porch to the house, behind those was a black door that had windows inside of it. The house seemed to be halved horizontally; the bottom of the house was grey, sort of a stony brick, and the top was a cream, almost a dark green, with white borders around the house. All the windows were huge and there were a few circular shaped ones. I've always wanted a circular shaped window. The house must have been at least 6 bedrooms, it was beautiful. 

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