Chapter 12 - Party (Part 1)

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I woke up late, again. My mum, dad and brother have gone out for the whole weekend until late Sunday night, so I have an empty house, finally. It was 1pm and I went downstairs in my underwear and oversized t-shirt to get some breakfast. I found our bose speaker and connected it to my phone via bluetooth, and played my party playlist, full blast. I gathered up some healthy foods for breakfast and got back into bed, my feet were freezing from our white marble floors, but it's still warm outside. 

I did the majority of my homework, that led up to around 3pm, I then shoved on my bikini and went downstairs, music still blaring. I took my phone, a drink and the speaker down to the poolside and went in for a swim, I did a few laps and chilled for a while, soaking up the sun, enjoying time in which I can finally spend by myself. I started to drift off and before I knew it, it was already fucking 6pm! I woke up in such a daze because of the circumstances I had slept in, but on the brightside I was looking bronzed as fuck ha.

I ran upstairs and  jumped in the shower, washed my hair and got out. I loved being home alone, literally danced like a dick by myself. I told Emily and the girls they could come here before we got ready as my mum bought us all alcohol and obviously as no one is here, they can all stay the nigh without disturbing my family. I ran downstairs and poured myself a glass of wine, I was nervous for tonight, how was it going to go? I had noooo idea. I did my make up, I spent almost 40 minutes on it which is a record for me, it was now 6:50pm and the girls should be here around 7:30, for us to leave and be fashionably late for the party at 8:20. I was so stuck on whether to straighten or curl my hair, I think i'm going to leave it in a middle parting, and straighten it do it is dead straight, it looks so long then.

I had finished both my hair, make up and was about to get dressed. I had shaved my legs and painted all my nails before hand so everything would be perfect, the girls should be here any minute and I was about to slip on my dress. It fitted so perfectly I loved it. I walked over to the mirror and looked in it, my dress was black which contrasted really well with my blonde hair, it was so tight. It had small thing straps holding it up, which lead down the torso part which was body hugging. My boobs were visible, but not prominent, which I liked. It fitted my hips perfectly and stayed tight all the way down the middle of my thighs which is where it stopped. The material was hard to explain, not silk as it wasn't shiny but not cotton. Just as I walked away from the mirror I heard the doorbell, I yelled to come in and the door burst open, my new friends came piling in.

They all looked gorgeous, everyone one of us was equally as dressy, I was wearing black heeled boots while Alex and Emily wore flats, and Kaysia, Marina and Steph all wore heels too. Some of them were wearing dressed but Steph was wearing patterned shorts with a crop top, we were so hot. We sat around my kitchen table discussing our antics for the evening to come and told each other how nice we all looked, whilst pre drinking, I was pretty drunk, on my 4th glass of wine. We were due to live in 5 and I told the girls I was going to FaceTime Nathan to tell him good night, and they were excited to see him. It rang and he answered, I kept the camera on my face so he couldn't see the girls, but the girls could see him

"Hey baby" He said
"Hi babe" I replied
"You look absolutely beautiful (Y/N)..I hope you have a good night"
"Thank you Nath, I will! I'm with the girls, I miss and love you!" I passed the phone to them and i'm pretty sure they were all speaking to him for about 20 minutes.

They finally hung up and all said basically in sync "HE'S SO FUCKING HOT", I laughed and said that I knew, urging to leave as all I wanted to do was drink. I grabbed the remaining alcohol off the counter and walked out the door, with the girls following behind me. On the walk there I heard comments like 'British boys are bomb' and 'he was so cute' 'I wanna FaceTime him again (Y/N)', I laughed. 'That's fine' I replied with, at least they liked him, it's always good for your friends to like your boyfriend.

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