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It was a bright sunny day without a cloud in sight. Eric stepped out of his cabin and onto the deck, the smell of salt and striking blue of the sea present. Times like this were what made him appreciate how great the outside world was. Luckily, he still had today left to enjoy so there wasn't a need to rush.

Ven came out not long after, looking refreshed. After being swarmed yesterday, it must've tired her out to the point of exhaustion. She seems to have slept well last night, he thought with relief. She gave him a nod of acknowledgement and hung out near the railing. Besides occasionally brushing locks of hair away from her face, she only stared at the ocean.

Taking a place next to her, he asked, "How are you feeling today?"

"Is it weird to say... excited?" she replied almost hesitantly. "I'm still nervous but also excited as well."

With a soft smile, he said, "It's all right to be excited. After all, it's not every day you get to live in a new place."

"Could you tell me more about Aurora Zenith?" Her eyes held wonderment in them, which he found hard to resist.

So he told her all he knew about Aurora Zenith. From where it was situated to its people, he informed her of everything he believed to be important. He hoped this'd ease her worries and even help her get used to the idea of living there. It may take a while but she'd eventually adapt to the place.

After he explained everything, he noticed a ring on her left hand. It didn't appear to be big, though it obviously wasn't a perfect fit. An amethyst stone was set in a simple silver band, both of which were common to see. While the ring itself was nothing special, he wondered where she could've gotten it from. He doubted anyone in Brinegarde gave her it as a gift.

"Where'd you get your ring from?" he asked.

Despite his question taking her off-guard, she slipped the ring off her finger and replied, "It used to belong to my mother. At least, that's what the people of Thal Esari---my old village---used to tell me. It's the only thing I have of her."

"Your mother isn't...?"

"She died giving birth to me. They'd always tell me it was 'the price she paid for having a monster' like me."

He felt a surge of anger fill his body after hearing that. It pissed him off to think about the things she had drilled into her head when she was a child. There'd be no understanding why being a Vlixeox entailed such abuse and vitriol but he knew it wasn't fair. No one deserved to be treated like that, regardless of their race. Still, he had to rein himself in so as to not upset her. Besides, it's not like crying out in outrage would really change anything that happened in the past...

"If you don't mind me asking, how did the people of your old village treat you?" he asked with morbid curiosity. He honestly thought it to be a useless question that he really didn't want to know the answer to. A part of him, however, wouldn't have been satisfied otherwise if he didn't ask.

She remained silent as she slid the ring back onto her finger. As if on cue, an unseen cloud blotted out the sun, veiling them in temporary darkness. It was very slight but he could see her body trembling, making him regret asking her that question. No amount of prying, innocent or not, should come at her expense.

In a moment's time, she answered, "I'm sorry but I don't want to talk about it."

"You don't have to apologize, I shouldn't have asked."

"I don't like remembering what happened back then. It's not because I don't trust you, it's just..."

"You don't have to say anything if you don't want to. I can't even begin to imagine what you went through and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Just know that I'll try my hardest to protect you so that you won't suffer anymore."

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