Chapter VII

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The next morning Sherlock woke up in his bed. In his bed. Ahhhh... Too fast for his cracking neck, he turned around his head just to find the other side of the bed empty.

What the... He jumped onto his feet, all senses awake in an instant. There were voices coming from the living room.

When he arrived there, Sherlock entered a rather interesting situation. Jim was standing at the fireplace, his hands raised in defeat while the one and only Mrs Hudson held a knife at his throat. Sherlock couldn't stop himself from laughing at this hilarious situation, what turned the attention of the other two individuals towards him.

"Sherlock!!" Mrs Hudson cried out, "I found that snake in your living room!!"

"Ouch," Moriarty interrupted her.

"Everything's fine Mrs Hudson. I can't believe it either but he's my guest."

She looked at him like he had finally lost his mind completely.

"He is threatening you somehow, isn't he?"

"I can guarantee you he's annoying me, but nothing more. If you'd be so kind now to lower the knife?"

"But... where's John?"

"He is with his girlfriend."

That was too much for her. Mrs Hudson collapsed onto the next chair.

"Girlfriend? What happened between you two, oh no - not you!!" she sighted pointing with her knife at the now slightly amused Moriarty. Sherlock moaned loudly, "How many times, Mrs Hudson..."

"Oh Sherlock, what's going on?"

"I haven't quite figured it out yet, to be honest."

She raised herself from the chair and came closer to Sherlock until she was only inches away from his face.

"Tell me that you're okay."

"Everything's okay. I'm perfectly fine and John is too."

"And... he?" she asked nodding towards Moriarty who seemed far too amused by the events.

"He's under my protection for now."

Mrs Hudson precisely inspected Sherlock's face one more time and seemed to find no sign of doubts at his honesty.

"If that's the case, I'll make you some breakfast," she said still agitated, "you can't host a guest in that... kitchen."

"Thank you Mrs Hudson."

"This is an exception! You two are way too skinny from chasing each other all the time."

With another angry glance towards Jim she left.

"She's such a charming woman," he giggled.

"What the hell did you think, leaving the bed on your own?" Sherlock asked.

Jim shrugged.

"I've been hungry and thought I'd look for some edibles, with poor luck."

Sherlock rolled his eyes.

"By the way," Jim added, "thanks, you know for defending me and so on..."

Sherlock cleared his throat.

"You're welcome."

Then he quickly disappeared into the kitchen to find some clean tableware. 

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