Part 2

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Part Two

How do people know when they are on the brink of insanity? Allen Frasier didn't know and didn't care. He had always been able to charm people into doing whatever he wanted. Manipulating people and playing mind games were favorite pastimes of his. One thing was certain; he had no soft feelings for anyone. In his business, that was a good thing. A leader had to be tough; a leader had to be feared. He had made sure that the men and women in his gang were fearful of him. The police had even referred to his gang as a "little mafia" in some of the court papers. They meant to put him down by saying that, but he loved being thought of as the head of a mafia, no matter how small. When he grew tired of someone or felt insulted by someone, Allen took care of those feelings by killing the person. Sometimes he would kill the person himself; sometimes he would give the job to one of his underlings. Either way, he saw it as the same as taking out the trash. It may have gone one like that for years, but one day he made a mistake that led to being caught. He had gotten sloppy—not like himself, at all.


Laura woke up that morning not knowing what she was going to get with Allen today. Laura always prided herself on being able to tell when people were lying. She never felt the need to doubt herself, that was until she met Allen. She could never tell with Allen he told all his story's with so much conviction that it seemed so honest and truthful. For Allen only being twenty-one years of age, he sure can made up an extremely believable lie.

Laura woke up at her usually time. She got out of bed and went into the bathroom and turned to shower on. While she waited for the water to heat up she brushed her teeth and washed her face. After she finished that she took off her clothes and hopped into the shower. She grabbed a shower cloth and put some body wash on it. Rubbing the rag together to make it soapy. She washed her body and then let the water wash away the soap as well as some of the stress she had.

She got out of the shower and grabbed a white fluffy towel and wrapped around her body. She walked out of her bathroom into her bedroom. She walked into her closet and grabbed a nude dress and a black blazer to go other the dress with some nude heels. She went to her grab some undergarments and put those on. She puts on the outfit that she picked out. She walked towards her bedroom door and opened the door and then closed it after exiting her room. She walks down the stairs into the kitchen and makes a pot of coffee for Alison and left her a note which said, "Morning Darling, I just wanted to let you know that I will not be home for dinner. Please don't wait up for. Also, I am leaving you twenty dollars for dinner. Please text me when you get to school safely." She left the kitchen and grabbed her coat, purse, and keys and headed out of the house to her car. She unlocked her car and hopped into her car and started the engine and headed off to work.

Alison woke up at her usual time. She walked down the doors into the kitchen and grabbed a cup of coffee while she read the note that her mother left for her. She read it and grabbed the twenty-dollar bill and walked back upstairs. She put the money on her desk and went to her bed and grabbed her laptop. She opened it up and went online to the university website and she logged in. She went to the class tab and her classes showed up. She started working on some of her online class work. She winded up working on her school work till 9:25 a.m. She closed her laptop and started getting ready to go to campus for her face-to-face classes.

After thirty minutes Laura arrived at her work. She parked her car and got out and heading inside. She was greeted by the front nurses as she walked in. She said, "hello" to everyone and then walked over to the elevator. She pressed the button up and waited patiently for the elevator to come. The elevator doors opened, and she walks in and presses her floor. The doors opened back up and she got out and walked over to the nurses' station and logged herself in. She walked down this long corridor and walked all the way down till she stopped at her office door. She opened her purse and grabbed a set of keys and opened the door to her office.

Laura was working on some paper work when a knock sounded on her door. She readjusted a bit in her sit before she called out for them to come into her office. The door opens, and she stands up and walks towards the man she has never seen before. She reaches her hand out to shake the man's hand. Laura clears her throat and said "Who might you be? What do you want? I am about to leave for my lunch break." The man just looks at her with curiosity in his eyes. The man soon speaks, "My name is James and I will be working with you on the Allen Frasier case. I will be having one-on-ones with Mr. Frasier as well." Laura just looks at the man with disbelief. She has only been working with him for a month. It was not unusual for that patient to make the most progress. Laura speaks up and says, "Who was the one to put you on this case." He responded with, "Judge Satterfield gave my employer a call and said that he was not pleased with the progress that you have made with Mr. Frasier." Laura, says, "Thank you so much for letting me know a head of time. If that is all I will walk you out as I leave for my lunch break." She turns around and grabs her stuff and walks toward the door. She walks a head of James and turns around, so she could lock the door.

He was 6'2, brown eyes with specks of gold, semi full lips, nice eyebrows, sharp jawline, and well-defined body. She turns to James and says, "It was very nice speaking to you and I look forward to working with you." She lied was not pleased to work with him at all. She wanted to work with Frasier on her own. James smiles at her and walks away.

Laura is walking down the hallway maybe just 10 feet away from the elevator. She feels someone grab her arm and pulled her into the wall. She didn't even need to look at the person to know who they were. She could just tell by their presence that it was Allen Frasier. At this moment she just wished that she could hold her daughter, tell her she loves her, tell her the truth, and make amends with her. Laura never knew that one moment was going to change her whole world.


Hey my loves, I decided that I wanted to post this chapter since it was already written! I am very excited about rewriting this book! Also, feel free to leave comments. If there is any mistakes please leave a comment so I can fix them. I hope you have a wonderful day! 

Much Love,


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