Girl!!!! I think he likes you

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Ok so I like this guy Cameron.He is really cute and nice but I don't know of he likes me yea I know we are friends but idk". we go to the park a lot as friends. but I was on a rock and we had are feet in the water but Cameron was standing up behind me. so I went to stand up "and I almost fell. but Cameron grabed me right buy the hips it was so cute!! I looked at Alyssa and she looked at me and she said girl I think he likes you. Alyssa was Cameron's sister'' so the whole time I was exsited about that so I went home and I looked up how do you know if a guy likes you. And then I said I can't do this closed the computer and said "I miss jackson" I had to brake up with him cause my grades your bad I really didn't want to but I guess I can't be truley in love with someone and also have good grades :(

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