I'm Sorry + [Please Click]

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I am so sorry.

I literally haven't touched this story for months.

I won't be fake and make up excuses, the truth is I've lost inspiration and don't know where this story will go. I have a few scenes planned and how the story will kind of go but it's not enough. I'm a bad writer (still learning!) so I've decided to let this story go. This is my second, well, kind of third(I deleted one) "book" I've ever written and I'm disappointed in myself.

BUT, I know lots of you enjoy this story (for a reason i will never understand 😂) so, I will be handing off the torch!

I will be holding a competition!!!

The winner of the competition will be the next author of the book! You will continue or you can restart this story. I will discuss more details with the winner.

So, the competition is easy. (I tried being creative lol)

All you have to do is....

Write your best pick-up line or joke in the comments.

Yep, really dumb but creative I think.

Extra Points:

Deadline is one week from now! So, spread the word.

And with that, let the competition begin! Write your best, cheesiest, most wonderful pickup line or joke!

Winner will be the new author of this book!

Good Luck!

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