The warning

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Jess POV.

I wandered my tower and I fell upon moles. Moles that were spying on me. "Hello?!" I said and smirked. They attempted to run but ran into a crystal wall. Werewolf my powers told me. Ethan and Grayson sent him. "Hello Ethan. Hello grayson" I said knowing they can see me. More people gathered Around to see what was going on. I grew angry and grabbed my staff and slammed it on the ground. It glowed and a hologram came on the sky. "People of earth. Give me the alpha's or surrender to torture, burning in infernal, soul drained, surrender now. There's no saving her by the way mister alpha grayson" I mimicked a baby voice in the italics. I smirked and raised my staff. "Sunrise!!" My voice echoes the world. I slammed the staff down releasing a magnetic pulse flashing all the lights in the world. The forest around my tower shaked signaling werewolf's and rouges coming. I levitated through the roof and yelled "enough with the games. WHERE ARE THEY?!" In a monotone voice. Whimpers and roars erupted. I released a pink explosion making the trees shake. "Surrender we have you outnumbered!" Alpha's roar. I smirk and see a fling of fear on their eyes. "eeshnab esir!!!" I yell. A ghostly figure appears in the sky. "Banshee!" The crowd whispered. My staff glows and a bright pink light illuminated. I point with my staff at the banshee and the crystal glows, she screams and they a teleport in the castle prison. "EENNOOUGGHH WITTTHHH TTYTHHHEEE GAMMMESSS!!!" I yell through the holargeam in the sky.

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