chapter 9

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I remember yesterday.'he was really mad before i broke down, did he forget it?' the bell rang i ran downstairs with his phone, it was Bakugou." Hey i forgot my phone..." He stared at his phone in my hands." What the hell were you looking for?" I mumbled a little, but his expression changed onto a happy one." Oi, y/n, you're starting to act like Deku. Jeez." He grabbed it out of my hands.

" Are you still mad at me because of yesterday?" He sighed, maybe i shouldn't have asked." Don't worry 'bout it, i still am but if you want to go to those bastards again i can't make you stay." I smiled from his friendliness." But don't touch my phone again!"
" What is with you and switching mood lately?" He shrugged." Don't ask me, you're the one messing with me."
" Wha- how am i messing with you? I'm not doing shit." He grinned and ran his hand trough my hair." That's exactly what i mean." He kissed my head, he walked away." Wait! Bakugou!" I yelled hard enough to wake the neighborhood if wanted to.
" Yeah?" He stopped and walked back." Ehhh, well... I kind of saw... The email you got yesterday, why didn't you tell me?"

" I was planning on telling you when i came back, mostly because i wanted you to stay at home a little longer for your sake." I was confused." What?" he gently tapped me on the head with his phone." huh?!" i rubbed it.
" i didn't want ya to leave me for someone else, so i was thinking about telling you later, but that's not gonna happen anymore is it?" he leaned back a little." you're still looking for her right? and i still don't trust those shit heads, are you certain she's dead?" I scratched my head." She didn't let anyone know where she was for a days, so it's not impossible."

" Maybe we should ask half and half, they are a couple, so he most likely knows where she lives." I was struggling to tell him what Shigaraki told me, he noticed pretty quick." Oi, what's on your mind, sweetheart?" My heart skipped a beat." H-huh?"
" There's something going on, I won't be able to help you without knowing what's bothering you."
"W-well, Shigaraki told me it was Kaminari his father, do you think he would be able to do such a thing tho?"

" Knowing that guy, his dad would probably be brainless too, but I'll do that part, just go to Todoroki before he goes to class... And make sure not to be seen." I nod and grab his hand, running to school. When we were in front of the entrance i jumped into nearby bushes to find Todoroki, Bakugou waited for Kaminari to enter and without him knowing, Bakugou followed him. I saw Todoroki walk alone.' this is my chance!' i waited for him to get close enough to me and pulled him into the bushes." Y/n? What is going on?" He was pretty calm, i wasn't though, i was trembling." Are you cold?" He pat my head." No, I'm fine, i wanted to ask you about Hana." He waited for me to speak again." Do you know where she lives?" He sat back." Yes, i have been there a couple of times, mostly because she somehow likes having me around."

" Who wouldn't?..." I spoke out loud.
" What?" I blushed." I mean, you guys are really close to eachother, b-because your relationship and all."
He looked at his left hand." True, she wouldn't leave me alone after finding out about how simular our quirks are." I thoguht for a second." Oh right! Because of her having the same quirk as you!" He nods." Also electricity, and the quirk to steal others powers and stuff, but i never really got to see it because we were really young when we got separated. Man, i wish i was more like her..."
" I've seen enough of her quirk to know that even if she wanted to, she can't get more that four quirks at once, let alone use them, she'll get exhausted and cough up blood."
" Can you maybe bring me to her home? I want to know if she's there or not, i don't know if you're fine with skipping a few classes tough." He looked at me." I'm not, but if she is not there, I won't let it slide."

" Alright! Let's go!" We stood up and went towards wherever she lives.
When we got there it looked normal, but i didn't see any movement." Are you fine with breaking in?"
"No." I smiled and looked around for something we could break in with, evantually finding a crowbar." Then stay on look out alright?" I opened the door in one swift motion." I'm going in." I didn't hear any voices, so i looked around in the livingroom, nothing. Bathroom, nothing, everything was empty." Ah!"

I felt my phone ring, it was a message from bakugou.

- nothing suspicious here, and you?

- no... But everything is so neat, clothes are in place, dishes aren't even touched.

- are you sure there's not a cleaning freak in the League of villains?

- no, at least I don't think so, and why does it always HAVE to be them.

- well think about it, they feel like you betrayed them, so revenge isn't that weird, spy around a bit when you're there again. Make sure they aren't lying then.

He's not wrong, I don't have any proof that they're innocent or not. I put my phone back in my pocket."did you find anything y/n?" I shook my head.
" No, but i will find her!" I confidently smiled." If you need any help again you can ask me." Todoroki walked off.
" I should probably go too, but I don't know if i should show my face at school today." 'Nah, that'll be tiring, i only want to focus on finding her right now.'

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