chapter 14

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" am i getting fat?" I asked uraraka, my uniform was getting pretty tight.
" No, you're not. Why do you ask?"
" Eh, my uniform is a little tight."
She giggled." What's so funny?"
" You've been gone for a couple of weeks and you're already acting lazy!"
I scoffed." I am not! I am just a little inactive."

" No. You are really just lazy as hell."
Bakugou looked at me, his head resting on his hand." Gee, thanks, I'll remember next time i kick your ass."
I looked at midoryia in front of me.
" Is everything alright, midoriya?"
He jumped at my sudden question.
" Y-yeah, i'm fine, t-thanks for asking."
Bakugou frowned." You gotta stop making a fool out of yourself, deku."
I punched him." leave him alone, you're heartless sometimes you know that?" he nods." yeah, i guess being an organ donor won't work anymore either..." " what is wrong with you?" he shrugged." you tell me... babe." i got up from my seat and strangled him." y/n, sit down please." aizawa got up, i did as told, staring at bakugou while doing so.

The rest of the day we got informed that we were going on a trip, fought, trained, etc. It wasn't great, honestly i just wanted to stay home but bakugou wanted to take me so he can watch over me and make sure I'm save, blah blah blah... He talked and yelled for an hour straight about how i tend to get into strange situations.

Uraraka and i were walking to bakugou's, because she didn't want to go with the bus or walk alone and he argued with iida about something, so they are making aizawa's life miserable." Do you think they will be fine?" I laughed." Those two will survive, although i am not sure about bakugou."
" Hehe, yeah, he'll definitely blow up SOMETHING." we both walked and joked about how the guys in our class are either control freaks, weirdo's, emo or just plain boring." hey, uraraka. do you know what's wrong with midoriya?" she kinda panicked, which wasn't really helping me, so i stopped and asked again." n-no, why would i know? i don't know anything. honestly!"

i let it go for now, mainly because she repeated the same sentence over and over and it was getting annoying. she didn't say anything else after that, looking at the ground or in front of her, but not my way." well, i guess i'll see you tomorrow, do you wanna sit next to me again? i'll convince bakugou to let me, heheh." she shook her head, turning around and walking home.

" his mom was in the kitchen." hey, y/n! i don't really have time to make dinner so is it alright if we eat left overs from yesterday?" she was putting labels on the fridge.

" sure." i walked upstairs, feeling a little stupid, i probably made myself look like a jerk.
" whatever..." a little later bakugou came home, i knew because he slammed the door, yelled at his mom and loudly walked towards his room.
" oi, y/n, what the fuck did you tell deku and round face?!" i looked confused he threw his bag on the ground." he told me he knows about you and the villains."

"what?!" i grabbed my phone, immediatly texting shigaraki.

- what have you told midoriya?! that wasn't the plan!

- what do you mean? i didn't tell anything.

his text itself pissed me off.

- now it's going to be even harder to take bakugou with us!

- i wouldn't worry about that, i only told him about how you are a villain.

- why would you do that?!

- because in the end, you are one of us.

- don't text me again...

i blocked his name right after." what did you do?" i forgot that bakugou was standing in front of me." i told him to fuck off and blocked him." " good." he took my phone and dubble checked, also blocking kurogiri and kirishima's numbers." why did you also block kirishima? not that i texted him or anything, he is too much for me." he gave it back." exactly."

" oh yeah, and your mom may be a little more cranky because of me..."
" what?" bakugou pushed me aside and layed down." i ignored her a little when i walked in."
" good girl, next time i'll teach you to yell at her."
" you guys really love each other."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2019 ⏰

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