Another Tag + Mini Announcement

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Person who tagged me- ilikepie12348

Hello you beautiful people who care enough to read this! 👌 Imma start the tag now before I get too cringey-

1. Name
   Look at my username. I don't want to say my real name on this app for some reasons. For example, I might be following some people I know from school and they see that it's me and they are going to out me maybe and my cringey stories hhhhhhhhh

2. Relationship Status
    I'm a single pringle 👌👌👌

3. Crush
    I do have a crush but I don't want to say because I might be following her and that would be an awkward conversation for tomorrow

4. Height
    Above 4"8'. That's what I got the last time I saw how tall I am and that was four years ago, so I've grown a tad bit 😜

5. Birthday
    January 29, 2004

6. Best Girl Friend
   I don't know if any of you hoolagans know what Homestuck is, but I have a Moirail and I'm not going to say her name, but she does have a Wattpad account👌

7. Best Guy Friend
    If I did this a while ago, I would've said Jackson, but he royally screwed up so I'm going to say his name and not my actual guy friend's name because he's pretty chil and I don't know if he has a Wattpad and I'm following him and he'll out me and-

8. Last Song You Listened To
    Finale from Little Shop Of Horrors. I'm doing a play and I got back from rehearsal like around three hours ago and that was the last song we did.

9. Last Time You Cried
    Last time I cried was last Wednesday I believe??? I can't really remember. Stuff happened and yeet

10. Last Time You Laughed and Why
     Last time I laughed was earlier. I was laughing because of my friend. We were backstage and she was playing around with one of the phones. It was funny because she kept pretending that there were people on the other line and stuff. 'Twas great 👌👌

And now I'm supposed to tag 20 peopleb but I don't really want to so if you're reading this, let's pretend you're tagged :)

  Anyways, thank you for reading this useless book. I'm probably going to make this into a part-time rant book too so get ready for that because there is no other way for me to let out my  emotions 👌 See y'all on the flipside.

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