How you meet - luke

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You were finally going to be able to meet the 5sos boys and you couldn't be more excited . You asked your mom if you could just stay home and not go to school that day she said yes . So you were getting ready when u got there you were smiling like a ninny the thought of you meeting them but u were also quite nervous ,what would they think of you ? When they were singing beside you your eyes locked with Luke's and he smirked when they finished there round of songs you made your way back stage to meet them . When it was your turn you asked them for a picture after the picture u said your goodbyes and left . When u were walking back home you ran into someone "sorry" you muttered and looked up only to be met with those dazzling blue eyes . "It's okay" he said "what are you doing out here " you asked he's said "just taking a nightly stroll, and a pretty girl like you shouldn't be walking out here all by herself " ,that made you blush you looked down hopping he wouldn't see . "Where you off to" he asked ,"oh I'm just walking home " mind if I walk with you ?" he asked . You were so speechless luke hemming just asked you if he could walk with you!!!!! So u just nodded ur head . Halfway home you started to shiver Luke noticed and he gave you his jacket . "oh no I can't you'll get cold" and tried to give it back to him He just shook his head and said "I'll live babe ur lips are turning blue " and he slipped the jacket on you . when you made it to ur door step you thanked him for walking you home and he hugged you and slipped something In the jacket pocket . "wait your jacket " you yelled out "keep it ,oh wait I'm sorry I didn't catch your name " he said "It's y/n . ". You thanked him once more and said goodbye .When u got inside u took the jacket off and a piece of paper slipped out u picked it up and his number was written on it .

So this is my first preference book ! Ahhh this is so exciting ! Sorry of it sucks ! Comment what u thought of it I'll try update as much as I can ! Comment any thing u want me to write about !

- Hannah

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