Chapter 3

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Before anyone could even react, they heard a gunshot. At first nothing seemed to have changed, but looking on the ground they saw that it had.

Jonah looked on in shear panic, as Cyrus lay on the ground motionless, with a bullet wound on his stomach.

Jonah: C-Cyrus! N-no!

TJ: I-I'll call an ambulance!

Jonah could only cry as he cradled Cyrus lovingly. It was all too much to take in and what made it worse was tat he knew that would happen. Buffy was the one who tried to comfort him, despite the fact she felt helpless.

Jonah: What am I going to do?

Buffy: Look, he may be hurt, but he's still here at the moment. Nothing has changed.

Jonah: But I could lose him.

Buffy: Trust me, if anyone can get through this, it's Cyrus.

Jonah: He can't leave me. He's the only person that makes my life happy.

In an attempt to help, Andi interjected and tried to help Jonah feel reassured. She knew it wouldn't be easy though.

Andi: We know how much you love him.

Jonah: He's my Cyrus!

Andi: And he always will be.

TJ: This is a crap situation!

Jonah: Did you call the ambulance?

TJ: Yes, it's coming now.

Andi: Don't worry Jonah, Cyrus will be fine and we will be with you all the way.

Jonah was being hugged by the girls whilst TJ was shaking with fear. Marty and Walker had remained silent, not knowing what they could say to help the situation.

The ambulance turned up and took Cyrus to the hospital, so Jonah had called his parents and Cyrus' parents to explain the situation.

Jonah's parents had turned up at the scene in their car and Jonah got in. He noticed that they had already collected Cyrus' parents, so they went together. Before they left, Jonah turned to the rest of the gang.

Jonah: Are you going to the hospital too?

Buffy: Yes, you go on we'll make our own way there. Cyrus needs his Jonah!

Despite the situation, Cyrus' parents were really interested in Jonah. They and Jonah's parents didn't know what the truth was yet.

Mr Goodman: So, tell me... Why were you hanging out with my son?

Jonah: He hasn't told you yet?

Mrs Goodman: No, and we'd like to know.

Jonah: My parents don't even know yet.

Hearing her son talk, Mrs Beck interjected. She was just as intrigued as to what was going on with her son.

Mrs Beck: No time like the present, sweetie.

Jonah: Cyrus is... kinda my boyfriend.

Jonah had never felt more uncomfortable talking to anyone, and he couldn't look at any of the four parents in the eyes.

Mr Beck: Are you happy about that son?

Jonah: More happy than you will ever know. We've even moved in together.

Mr Goodman: We're okay with that.

Jonah: Really?

Mrs Goodman: Absolutely, we've never seen Cyrus so happy. When he visits us, there is a spring in his step.

Mrs: Thank you for telling us.

As they drove to the hospital, Jonah had mixed feelings. He was happy that both his and Cyrus' parents now knew the situation, but equally he was panicking because his boyfriend was in a critical condition.

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