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Theo cannot cook for shit at first. When he first moves into the Dunbar residence he starts three fires trying to cook himself ramen. Liam thinks it hilarious, Theo thinks its pretty fair considering he hasnt had an oven in ten years.

Liams pretty terrible too. its not that hes bad, I mean, its edible but not exactly delicious. Mrs Geyer and Dr Geyer teach Theo to cook. they dont really mean to but once Theo settles in a bit more he hangs out in the kitchen a lot. It started because he needed somewhere to study where Liam wouldnt just barge in and start talking to him and he realised that Mrs Geyer would tell Liam off if she caught Liam trying to talk to him while he worked so he just started sitting with them while they prepared dinner. then started helping. Hes still not great but its more slightly tastier than the stuff Liam makes so theyre both happy with it.

Liam rolls his eyes at Theo wearing his clothes all the time and will half-heartedly complain but he really loves seeing Theo in his stuff. Liam mainly wears Theos clothes when hes away, hell find a hoodie and pull it on, burying his nose in the collar as he mopes around the house.

Sex everywhere. No room is safe. No surface is clean, if someone went in there house with a UV light it would light up like a pervy Christmas tree.

They both hate waking up and will lie there awake and cuddle in the grumpiest manner imaginable for a good half hour before they finally move.

Theo does most of the cleaning. Liams not dirty but hes just..not as used to picking up after himself. At times Theo wonders if Liam even knows youre meant to clean the oven or wash the bath. Liams idea of tidying seems to be throwing everything into the laundry basket, hoovering and shoving the crap he doesnt know what to do with in a draw or beneath his bed.

Theo has a bad habit of neglecting things like the need to sleep until he finally just crashes on the closest available surface. Theo can sleep anywhere. Like, at all. Liams found him asleep in the shower leaning his head against the wall. Hes tripped over him when hes fallen asleep on the floor a few times too. Liam doesnt exactly give Theo a bedtime when he realises but he does lure Theo into bed and then curl around him like an octopus to force him to stay there. Most of the time it works and Theo will fall asleep, sometimes it doesnt and Liam will wake up to Theo staring at the ceiling mind miles away as thoughts flicker behind his eyes.

Theyre honestly such soft assholes when theyre alone. Not in words, theyre still snarky but they touch constantly. Theo will settle his head on Liams lap as he plays the newest single player video game. Liam will drop his head on Theos chest and pick at Theos shirt as they talk about their days.

Theo hooks his chin over Liams shoulder and hugs him from behind as they wait for their food to cook.

Theyre both comfortable sitting for hours in silence, doing their own thing, if that thing doesnt involve Theo trying to study but there are also countless nights where theyll talk until sunrise, voices raspy with sleep as Theo plays with Liams fingers.

After they say it Liam gets into the habit of saying i love you every time Theo goes out or vice versa, Theo starts doing it too after a while. Even after arguments, when one of thems storming out fuming theyll spit out a bitter i love you as the door slams closed. they both know all too well how quickly things change and dont want to risk anything happening to the other without them knowing that even if theyre an asshole they love them.

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