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Theo's not that big on PDA he grew up basically living a lie everywhere he went, he learned to act normal, to fake emotions, to keep his cards close to his chest and to keep any weaknesses hidden.

He knows Liam is arguably his biggest weakness and isn't a fan of parading that around for anyone to see and subsequently use against him. He gets..touchier, as he gets closer to the pack, as they slowly being to trust each other again but its usually small things. Hand holding or a quick kiss before he leaves.

Liam gives exactly zero shits about PDA. He's the kind of person to make everyone else uncomfortable while kissing filthily in a crowded place. It not that he gets off on it or anything, he just..he's touchy, he likes to kiss and well, why wouldn't he lean over a kiss his boyfriend if he wants to just because his friends are around.

Despite their opposite views on the actual act of PDA its not really a problem all that often. If only because Theo is more than happy to drag Liam into a more secluded place for a quick make out session when Liam gets that look that tells Theo he's about to get kissed. Liam's become quite accustomed to being shoved into cupboards and alley ways at this point.

The one time Theo does love PDA is when Stiles is around. Its ridiculous and Liam's pretty sure most people would end up feeling pretty worried about the motives behind it if it was their boyfriend putting on a show for another guy but..well,. Stiles is the least okay with their relationship, he holds the most resentment. Sure, Malia still doesn't like Theo but she has stopped threatening to kill him and when she does say something its a level of blunt that Theo admires more than anything else.

But stiles, Stiles is all snarly comments and mumbled insults rolled in with the occasional blunt threat and he stinks of contempt whenever he's in the same room as Theo and it just..gets on his nerves and whenever Theo does snap Stiles grins like he's won.

So when Stiles had made yet another jab at Theo and Liam's relationship and how it was doomed to fail Theo had gotten fed up and just grabbed Liam and kissed him until he was moaning hot and needy into his mouth before turning back to a horrified looking Stiles.

I don't know..feels like were in a pretty good place right now. Theo had said effectively shutting Stiles up. After that, it stuck, every time Stiles was baiting him into a fight Theo would just kiss Liam until he shuts up.

So Liam's alright with it, in a weird way its kind of..sweet. Its basically Theo's way of telling Stiles he can shove his 'doomed to fail relationship' forecast up his ass.

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