Just give me the answer and all will be right and you knaw that you are promised me that nothing can
destrict us friendship.
She said :but you date with another personnel.
Yes i knaw but its not naw that i date with that personnel .
She said :i cant give you a answer naw
If you want to have answer,You have to connect in to the internet to night.
Then i went to home to be online.
▪She didn't connected to internet at that time.but a waited more and more .
Finally she connected .
I said :ok i think that you have the answer.
She said :forget this history i don't want To talk it.
But you promised me that you will give me the
She said :you want that i give you the answer yes!
Yes why not!
She said :no.really i cant accept you.
Ok that is not a probleme.
She said:walid!
I rettored the answer:yes
She said :i dont want to see you,you are not my best friends neither my friend.
But what is happen to you, we had a
She said : no. I dont want to see you,that is all .
But why are you doing me like that.
You promised just to have my secret!
You setted me in a gap and you leaving me Exiting alone,you cant do that please...
Why didnt you let me this secret just for me,Cousse you are not
sharing this probleme with me .
She said :you want that i help you.
Yes why not
She laughted
(At that time it was a heavy situation) .
Then she was disconnected.
The last i wanted to go to my friends.
In the path she who buying somthing in
The shop,i waited him to ask what happen last night.
She came out to the shop,she appeared like she cant see me.
I said : hey!
She said :hey !how are you
(She was happy,realy girls have the seem behavier if they are in a
problem or not).What you did to me last night
She said : i date with anather persone
You are lying
She said :its the realythy.
Ok can you show me that personnel.
A that time there was a boy who was walking near to us .<br>
She said :this is the one that i date with hime.
Ok if you date with hime shoot to his name.
She said :if i shoot to his name it can have a problem to us
relation he will be sad.
Please why are you excruciation me.please give me just the answer,it is simple.
Ok if you want to have the answer ,you have to connect to the internet to night.
But i cant connect to the internet to night!becouse i have somthing to do to night.
She said :Ok if you dont want to have the answer that is your trouble.
Ok i will connect,but promise me that you will
give the answer when i connect to internet.
the night when i connected to the internet she did
me the same thins. Then i wanted to block it cousse i was so sad. I did Look.
Broken friendship
RomanceLooke to this history please, it can help you to stay confidence with your friends. Firstly if i give a few information about my self before all,my name is walid ,i m seventeen years old naw,i'live from djibouti especially i live in section seven...