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▪The second years we became the same

school but she toll me that her father want to change her to anather school.

I asked for which reason, she said that she don't knaw.

Then she was changed to anather school but we didnt forgot both of us,we were cominicating to the

internet and some time she was arriving in my school for me and to see all her friends too.

There was a days that we didn't meeted.

<<i missed so muche,her love was abutting me day in a day.i became without control to her love>>.

After a long time i connected to internet to comminicate with that time she was connected

too.i toll that i

missed him in a long time she said me that she missed too and toll me that she coming the sunday.

At that time i decided to telle hime that i love,cousse i trayed to hide this secret in a long of time, and

i didnt soliditied it.

But when it became sunday i waited him and she didnt came.after that i saw my friend(choukri) who is

a leader confidence of friendship,and who is between my best friends naw. I toll to wait me. She waited me

and we walked near the road, then we heared sombody

who shooting us,i knew that it was she.

I returned for her.then she shooted to my name and fessed me,she said <<i have somthing to tell

you>> i was carfull that she will say that she love me. But it didnt becam. Then i wanted to tell but i

dont knaw what happen to me i shayed to tell.

Affter that she said to me <<i want to go to us teacher of (svt) can you follow with me i said <<why

not dont you my best friend>> she smiled and said wait me i will put the book to my home and

returne in on munute. I waited but she didnt came,then i went to my home ,i was so sad.

▪The last day she came to us schoole to tell me the cousse of last time with me and to forgive me.

I went away with her. she toll me that her father refused to go out.I was so carfule that it's time to say

the secret even if i was shaying i decided to telle this time.

I said :i want to tell you somthing !

She said :what is that thing?

I said :what can you do for me.

She said :all the possibility.!

I said : but it can have a trouble to us friendship.

She said : nothing can obstacle us friendshipe.

I said : promise me that you us friendshipe will not destrict.

She said : dont worry i m promising you that i will share this problem with you

And that i will tidy all your problem.

I said :you are tidying a pain by a pain.

She said: i will see

At that time i decided to protect this problem just selfy.

I said: forget this history.

She was so carful to knew it.

She said tell me please! I refused and said please forgot i dont like that us friendship have a trouble

cousse a dont want to lose you.she shuted the spech in two munute i knew that she became sad.

i said what is happen to you!

She said : say me please !if you dont tell me that things I will not answer to you.

▪I woried to lose hime,it was the first situation that i woried. But what can i do.i have to tell,cousse i love

and i love her happynesse.

She said:why are you so worrying for me.

I said :forgot it

She said:ok tell me

<<i love you>>..........

She laughted and said how.

I said:so muche in a long time

She said : tell me this history

I said :listen to me please,i loved you in a long time but i hide this secrete for me,i knew that you are so

happy to us friendship and i decided to hide it .that is all.

If i loved you thats not mean that i m the problem. I m not like the athers boys.

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