Right Before The Two by Four

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WARNING: Badly written tortue
I wrote this in Freshman year so it may not be quite good?

The slow drip of the coffee machine, the rustling of papers being filed, and the shuffling of feet. Those are the usual, often repetitive, sounds of the Bexley Police Department. Not tonight, not for the past week. The station was in turmoil, the past five murders had the city's people practically pounding on the station doors, the families of the victims weeping in far off offices and demanding for this monster to pay for what he's done.
"Ma'am, I need you to breathe, okay?" I calmly repeat, consoling the parents of victims was always hard. I can only imagine what it was like for them. Mrs. Josephs had just lost her daughter to the mysterious killer.
"Please, Detective Hayes, get the man who did this. If not for me then for the people, they don't need to worry about their children being killed. "Mrs. Josephs implored, then she walked out of the department.
"Tough day?" Officer Stacey Tooley asked, holding a cup of steaming coffee.
"Yeah, I'm heading out. Goodnight."
I slugged out of the station, yearning for sleep. Leaves crackling under my feet as I trudged across the sidewalk, heading home. The blinding light of a Dunkin Donuts sign burns my eyes, the cool breeze chills me to the bone. The soft pitter-patter of imaginary feet, conjured by my paranoid mind, seemingly following after me. I quickly spin around, checking my surroundings, sighing in relief when I saw no-one. Continuing to briskly stride on, I got the feeling of being followed once again, I whipped around once again, seeing nothing. I turn back around, only to receive a 2x4 to the face.
When I awoke, I was tied to a chair. It was freezing cold and dimly lit, my face throbbing in time with my steadily raising heartbeat. The thumping of heavy steps on the stair riser brought my attention to the door. Light was streaming out from the now semi-opened door, and I knew I had to brace myself for what was to come.
A lean man glided down the stairs and looked around the room, seemingly ignoring me. He walked around the wooden chair I sat in and went straight to an iron tool box, from there he grabbed a wrench.
"Hello there Detective," he said, grinning like a madman.
I stared back at him, unflinching.
"Not going to speak are you? Okay, I can deal with that" He drawled, a Texan accent suddenly noticeable. The man stepped forward, raised his wrench and swung.
My face hurt even worse after I became conscious, I groaned in pain and leaned my head back. Wishing, hoping, dreaming of salvation. The man came back, of  course, he had no weapons on him.
"Hello Detective, I see that you are awake again. How does your face feel?" He drawled, smirking.
"It could be better." I replied facetiously. He grinned, thoroughly enjoying my obvious pain. Suddenly my hearing picked up the sound of shuffling. I, assuming it was Police or FBI, kept quite. The feet were obviously attempting to conceal themselves. It seemed as if my abductor heard nothing. Much better for me.
The door suddenly slammed open, feet pounded down the stairs and I smiled.
"Lucas Patterson put your hands in the air." A man in a FBI vest yelled. Patterson pulled a gun out of his waistband and held it up to my temple.
"Try anything and I will shoot her." He sneered, adrenaline fueling his rage.
"Put down the gun Lucas or I will shoot you" the FBI agent replied.
"Go for it" Patterson challenged, he looked at me and smiled, gunshots rang out before I had realized what happened, I looked down at my chest and saw blood. Patterson slumped to the floor, riddled with bullet holes. Lucas Patterson was dead, and so was I.
"Allison wake up." My boyfriend, Lucas Patterson said. I looked at him and breathed out in relief. It was just a dream, I closed my eyes.
"Allison you are going to be late for work. Bexley PD is dealing with a murderer with five victims and they need you to find him."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2019 ⏰

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