A room. A dark dark room. A dark dark room full of dragons and reapers in dark dark cloaks.
A bed. A crunchy crunchy bed. A body lays in the crunchy bed. My body.
A tea cup. A very dumb tea cup because it is made of straw and doesn't hold anything.
The reapers stand around the bed, and the dragons stand around the reapers. The tallest reaper, about 14 feet tall, holds the teacup above my head (oh yeah I'm dead btw if you forgot) and spit into the cup. The spit leaked through the cup and into my face.
"Ugh stupid leaky tea cup," the tall reaper whispers ominously. I wake.
"W-where am I?" I ask the man, reaper, whatever.
"I am Craig, leader of the VN council," the man, reaper, whatever answers.
"What does VN stand for?" I question, flipping my hair and talkin' with saaaaassssssss.
"W-we don't speak of it," he said, blushing like crazy and flipping his cloak.
"Pssssh I'm outta here!" I squeal, as I use an apparatus to teleport to my home world, a world that can't be said by the human mouth.
Whoopsies, my planet was destroyed, I forgot, I can't breathe. I die again.
RandomGimme a cookie and I'll give you my heart. Steal me a cookie and I'll steal your heart.