Chapter 1

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        After Allison walked out of Magcon and my life, everything changed. More importantly, I changed, and not for the better. Before, I used to love traveling around the U.S. meeting the people who made my dream come true. I loved being able to make someone's day by communicating with them on Instagram or Twitter. Now, I couldn't bring myself to get on my social media more than once every week, and that was usually to see what Allison was up to. I had always dreamed about moving out to L.A., but even that lost it's excitement when Allison went AWOL.

        Now, a month after the summer tour had ended, I was still struggling to become the flirty, fun, single Matt that I was before Allison. Moving out to L.A. and being near some of the guys helped, but nothing seemed to keep my mind off of her.

        Jack and Jack were in L.A. for the week and asked if I wanted to hang. I decided that I should probably get out because if anyone could help me get out of this funk, it was the boys. We met up with Nash and Cam at their apartment to catch up with each other. The five of us hadn't had the time to catch up since the tour ended, so I figured that we'd talk about what we had been up to since the tour ended.

        I wanted to have fun today with the guys and not think about Allison Morgen. It was obvious she moved on, so my life shouldn't be spent thinking about what could've been if she hadn't.

        But of course, the guys decided to spend some time talking about how "awesome" the tour had been. It had been awesome, until it ended in me losing one of the most important people in my life.

        "Remember how great the fans were?" Cam said.

        "Oh yeah, they were great. Some of the best that we've ever seen," Johnson answered. "They were all really supportive for the most part."

        "They were supportive all right. They were all for the whole 'Mattlison' thing," Nash said with laugh. "Remember how whipped you were Matt? God, I'm glad to have that bitch out of our hair."

        Everything was silent as the other three guys awkwardly stared at me, waiting to see my reaction. I couldn't believe that I was even friends with Nash right now. He honestly thought a month was enough time to pass before he could start joking about the best relationship I had been in? Un-frickin'-believable.

        "Yeah, well funny thing Nash, when you love someone, you'd do anything to keep them happy, which sadly includes letting them go. So if being whipped is doing whatever it takes to keep the one person that you love happy, then yeah, I was totally whipped. Heck, I still am whipped. But while we're on the topic of the tour, remember how you were an idiot and almost ruined two of Claire's friendships and how you were then dumb enough to actually brag about it, thinking it would help you win her over? Tell me, how did that work for you?" I stated with a glare.

        "You don't know what you're talking about, Matt. I did it for her own good," Nash spat back.

        "Yeah? Well maybe you should've thought of my wellbeing before bringing up the girl that still has me "whipped". But the thing is, you pretend to care about people's feelings, but you don't have a clue what you're talking about. She left me a month ago, Nash. One month isn't going to just erase everything that happened. So I have a right to be mad and don't go acting like the victim here because you were the one who brought it up."

        With that, I walked out of the room and out onto the balcony, taking deep breaths in an attempt to calm myself down. I heard the door open and close behind me, but I didn't want to turn around. I knew it wouldn't be Cam because he'd be too busy calming Nash down, so it had to be a Jack.

        "If you're here to tell me I owe him an apology, it's not going to happen."

        "Well it's a good thing I didn't come out here for that reason then, isn't it?" Gilinsky told my back.

        I turned around. "I guess it is."

        I leaned against the wall and sunk down into a sitting position. Gilinsky followed my actions. The two of us sat in silence for a few minutes, looking out at the view of the city.

        "" Gilinsky asked, raising an eyebrow.

        I sighed. "Yeah, love. I loved her. I was going to tell her that day, but then she took off. Hell, I still love her, which sucks because she's obviously moved on. Our relationship meant way more to me than it did to her, which, well which just sucks. It seems like it didn't mean anything to her."

        "How do you know she's moved on?"

        "I've possibly stalked her on social media. She's posted pics on Instagram with the same guy over and over. Sure it may say they're just friends, but I doubt it's going to stay that way for long. I mean, take a look at her, Gilinsky. She's perfection and could get any guy she wants. I just have to face the fact that the guy she wants is no longer me."

        "So I'm guessing you haven't tried talking to her yet?"

        I glanced over at Gilinsky before continuing to stare at the landscape. "What do you think?"

        "Look man," Gilinsky started. "I'm no expert at love, but for what it's worth, no one can be that great of an actor."

        "Huh?" I looked over, genuinely confused.

        "All I'm saying is that you think Allison didn't care and that she's moved on. Well, then that girl must have gotten damn good at acting once you two were actually together because what you two had looked pretty real. You don't know her side of the story, just like she doesn't know yours."

        With that, Gilinsky got up. He was about to go back into the apartment, but stopped and turned around. "It may seem like she moved on, Matt, but think about what you said about love. You'd do anything for the person you love and she loves her fans. I don't honestly believe she's truly happy, no one besides you does."

        Gilinsky turned back around and walked back into the apartment. I picked up my phone and tossed it in my hands a few times. Finally, I unlocked it and went to my contacts. Looking through my contacts, I came across the number that I had memorized a few months ago. I contemplated calling her, but I had no clue what I'd say it what she would say. I sighed and set the phone back down, wishing that the tour never had to end and my heart didn't have to break.

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