Chapter eight

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Drew's POV
I woke up in a hospital bed with Cameron and Taylor sleeping in the two chairs next to the bed. They then started to wake up. I was acting like I was sleeping. They started started taking. " Hey thanks for everything." Taylor said " No problem ." Cameron said "no really I mea-" "why did u just sit there" Cameron interrupted Taylor " What? " Taylor asked confused " When she got hurt you just sat there crying by her like a little bitc- " I could tell things where getting bad so acted like I was waking up. They both stopped talking, Taylor jumped out of his chair and held my hand. "How are you?" Taylor asked " good.....where's Brinley ?" I asked " I will call her . " cam said quickly. I felt my head, it felt like I was hit with a big shovel like in that video. I was about to say something but Brinley and Nash rushed in. Brinley had two fraps, one hazelnut from Starbucks and one mocha from Duncan Doughnuts. Brinley doesn't like Starbucks that much. That was on of the three things that I could remember in that exact moment. The other two things were that the doctor said I would have temporary memory lost and the conversation Cam and. Taylor were having before I " woke up ". " You know me so well! " I told Brinley as she handed me the drink. Nash started laughing.

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