chapter 1

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“RILEY!!! get up!!” my twin brother Mat whined “fine” I get up “why are you waking me up two hours before my alarm!?” I yell seeing it is indeed 4 am I get up at 6.”well I though maybe we could I don't for a ride practice the train since I don't know the biggest performance of our career is like next week” “fine but thing is we need at least three there is only two and dad would kill you if you woke him up and mom well she is same boat as dad” I say. “fine well practice seat grabs and heel clicks” I jump up putting my fmx biking gear on I grab my helmet boots and goggles and gloves Matt has is still finding his blue shirt I can clearly see it in his closet “Matt it where it's suppose to be” he laughs grabs all his stuff. We head to the garage suit up I have tinted goggles because if anyone does see me they wont know its me Riley scar they will know it It is Riley the fmx free style rider not a girl. You are maybe wonder what the hell is going on well I am Riley scar I have a twin brother named Matt and the only thing we have in common is we are fmx riders our eyes and personality he is 6 inches taller then me and I am tall 5'10' to be exact I have cherry red hair he has chocolate brown. We are 18 in our senior year Matt is int the popular crowd and well I am where ever someone what me I don't believe in cliques I get along with pretty much everyone if I dislike someone they have done something real bad and if I hate them they must have murder someone . I am quite the character my mom and dad would say and when I am with my beat friend Christina who with punch you in the face if you call her Tina she goes by Chris only Chris. Her dad is Alpha and my dad is beta . Oh did I forget to mention I am a werewolf well I am. Matt kicks his bike in to gear his is blue if you can't guess he loves blue I love green my gear is all gear my spare bikes are blue orange and yellow and after the big preference PINK.

I only hide that I am a girl because a lot of people don’t believe girls could race or ride with guys but after this performance shows a girl can make it farther then any boy can I have beat so many guys to get to where I am today I have beaten the Alphas son in a freestyle race does he know it was me know Nate would laughs at him self he is far from sexist maybe sexiest but not sexist but I just an go around telling people yet and I don't really talk to Nate that much we are friends but not that close he is Chris's older brother but only like ten months. Nate is really hot too but I am not telling him that it will just make him have a big ego and it already is quite the size without me telling him I think he is drool worthy. I quickly get on my bike I kick start it and I race away in front of Matt . I brake when I get at the mark start. I race forward and pop a wheelie. Matt does a heel click land a I got do a a vertical seat grab land . We keep doing treats now we are covered in mud and dirt just then I hear another bike coming it come in view it Nate “hey we can do train now” Matt cheers he loves Nate comes stops be side us “hey man”him and Matt do some guy hand shake I wake everyone just thinks I am a mute but I hand to hand a girl voice not some deep ass voice so I don’t risk it I do that hand shake that I know oh to well . “Nate can you help us do the train we have to do it next week “ “yeah sure im not going first or middle though” “ok I go first Ri you 2nd “ I nod middle I is the fucking hard asswhole! We set up Matt goes in air I go he does trick land I handle bar kick and land Nate heels click lands . “fuck yeah” Matt cheers we do our hand shake when we land something good . “RI you should practice that new trick of your” Matt said I took off my goggles face Matt face him 'are you out of you fucking mind ' look I slipped them back on whatever I kill my self I come back to haunt you.. I set up angiely kick start my bike I got I zoom the ramp I get good air I put my legs slips above my head so iam doing a hand stand well doing splits I then twisted and go back normal and land my heart is beating so fuck face . I stop my bike jump off lay down like a star .”HOLY shit ri what was fucking crazy you have to do that in the bonus trick after your set” I know what he mean “ then my alarm on my watch goes I nod my head in a thank you manner then peace sign and I am gone. I zoom back to the house I put my bike back and take off my boots take of my gear leaving me in my sports bra and spandex. Mat comes in striping to his boxers ,”well that was fun” is all I said walk in side had a shower got dressed. I was just about to start my motor cycle when Matt comes out “my car wont start can I have ride please” “yeah but you're being bitch I don't quite trust you driving my baby just yet” he sigh “fine” I laugh last time he drove he drop the damn bike on my foot . He grabs helmets and I looks back leather jacket good choice I am a fast driver I get chilly. He get hugs my waist and I am off .

We get to school his guys are laughing. “well see Riley still doesn't trust him” “hell no he broke my fucking foot but it only took like a day to fully heal . Just then I smell the worst thing ever “Jake are you wearing that god for saking cologne again I have said this how many time it is a chick replant not attraction “ I plug my nose“not my fault you have the heighten sense of smell” “touche” he laugh I walk away “you smell so bad I am going be sick” he laugh it is true a werewolf sense are heighten my smell is extra why? I have not clue. I walk to my locker see Chris waiting “i seen matt in the bitch position why his car not work” “yeah I think he just forgot to refill the gas....again” she laugh I open my locker grab all my stuff we head to first . I sit down I put my foot out to trip Chris she sees this”haha very funny Riley” she pretend to fall but I actually stick my foot higher make her fall “ahhh” didn't see that coming” we noth start laughing really hard the whole class is in giggle til Mr Clarke comes in “miss scar miss dare seats NOW!!” what crawled up his ass this morning and died. He start talking about who knows what I think some book . I write a note to Chris 'cheezzz what crawled up his ass and died ??? ' I handed it to Chris she start laughing and falls out of her chair I hold in laugh “miss dare do I need to get the nurse or the metal hospital ?” that was kinda funny mr clarke is NEVER FUNNY . “if you call te mental hospital Riley has to come also” she sit on my lap I glare”i am not mental! Dont drag me in to this I am the innocent party here” “if you aren't metal then the sky is pink” “uhmm chris hate to brake it to you sometimes the sky is pink like the sunrise or the sunset all depends” she huff “whatever miss know it all” I laugh . If you havent figured it out we are the the class clown together we are loons!

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