I'm Magnus. I don't think we've been formally introduced

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Hodge: Magnus Bane. He's over 300 years old. And, as you can see,the pleasures of every century. His tastes are both exquisite...and quite excessive...Now, Magnus is one of the most powerful warlocks I've ever known. He has a deep mistrust of Shadowhunters.


Alec:Well done.

Magnus:More like medium-rare. I'm Magnus. I don't think we've been formally introduced.



Magnus: There's nothing to be ashamed of, Alec.

Alec: I don't know what you're talking about.

Magnus: You will.


Magnus: Help me.I need your strength.

Alec: Take what you need.


Alec:Why did you ask for me...when Jace and Clary were both here?

Magnus:Hmm, Jace didn't tell you?It doesn't matter. It was a lie anyway.

Alec:Are warlocks always this cryptic?

Magnus:I'm not being cryptic. I'm being coy.Let me spell it out for you.

I wanted to see you again.


Magnus:Why'd you come?

Alec:I'm not sure.

Magnus:For almost a century...I've closed myself off to feeling anything for anyone.

Man or woman. You've unlocked something in me...

Alec:Oh, listen, Magnus, I...I wish I could... I just...

Magnus:I don't know what...I understand.Stay for just one more drink? And then decide.


Alec: I'm a Shadowhunter. This is about family,and tradition, honor...

Magnus: Honor? Where's the honor in living a lie?

Alec:What are you talking about?

Magnus: What about love? Even Shadowhunters fall in love, Alec...

Alec: Why do you keep pushing? You're confusing me.

Magnus: Confusion is part of it. That's how you find out if something's there. Emotions are never black and white. They're more like symptoms. You lose your breath every time they enter a room. Your heart beats faster when they walk by. Your skin tingles when they stand close enough to feel their breath. I know you feel what I feel, Alec.

Alec:You don't have any clue what I feel...so back off. This is all just a game to you, isn't it? You flirt, you laugh,you use magic,but at the end of the

day, what do you risk? Even if I did feel something for you...you want me to give up my life for you? I have to do what's right for me. I could lose my family,

my career, everything! You just don't get it.

Magnus:You have a choice to make. I will not ask again.


Ragnor: Someday someone will come along who will tear down those walls you've built around your heart. And when that love comes back to you, you must do everything in your power to fight for it.


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