Aku Cinta Kamu

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Magnus: Where are we going?

Alec: I told you, it's a surprise.

Magnus: I don't like surprises.

Alec: What do you mean?You're the king of them.You know, you start

waving your hands around,I never know what's gonna show up in front of me. OK. So...

There's something... I wanted to do.

Magnus: Oh, you want to lock me up? I thought you'd never ask.

Alec: No... no. Remember that bridge you brought me to in Paris last week, the one where people put those locks?

Magnus:To show their eternal love.

Alec: Right. Well, they have a place like that here in New York too.

Look, I don't know. I...I know it's silly.I wanted us to have a lock too. What does that say?

Magnus: Aku cinta kamu, Indonesian for I love you

Aku Cinta kamuDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora