CHAPTER ONE: knowing Eghe

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At 21, I became a university graduate and I was ready to join my father's organization.

My name is Eghosa Brianna Luckett. You can call me Eghe.

Growing up, I always dreamt of working for my family's hotel, not because I couldn't get a job in other parastertals, my Dad is highly connected, that like an easy peasy for him. But, because I always admired my dad and how he handle affairs of his hotel.

My father 'Mr Mudiare Luckett' advised me to major in business administration when he noticed how into his workaholic ways I was. You're my heir, you will handle the administration of this hotel someday. He would say.

My father was basically my mentor while growing up. During my childhood days I sometimes stood in front of a mirror mimicking his mannerisms. I imitates how he gave orders to his workers, the way he carried himself while at it.

My father's charisma was everything I dreamt of having when I grow up, and thank Goodness they were manifesting.

As a graduate, It was time to feel how things worked in the real world. I wanted to finally stand in my father's shoes.

After four years of university coursework and the mandatory one year of NYSC, I was ready to take on the hotel world.

My parents were ecstatic, They were happy that I, their daughter, only child was coming into the business world, and hoping that one day i would take over from them.

My dad, a lawyer turned hotelier was the happiness father. The hotel business has always been a family business. He had taken over from his father, who also took over from his own father. He was happy his own daughter was ready to take the same part. He had worked so hard to put the Luckett hotel in the world map, He had a few others scattered around the country with headquarters here in Benin.


My first day at work was hectic. My father made it a point of duty that I should be oriented into the organizational work place by making me tour round all the department of the hotel so i could be familiar with the hotel workings and staffs.

I was to move From the account department, to the administrative department, to the kitchen and cleaning service department. At first I was happy about the idea of going round thinking it was a piece of cake isn't just to tour round I asked myself.

"Go with a writing pad' my father instructed "at the end of your orientation, I want to question you, i want to hear your observations and recommendations" my father smiled "which will be greatly welcomed" my father said amused.

Because of my enthusiasm I didn't detect the amusement in his voice, I was happy to begin, I found nothing wrong with observing and recommending things to my father.

"Every sectional head would introduce you to their workings baby" my father said standing up from his wide desk "set your work mode ready"

"Yes daddy" I replied, ready to make daddy proud. I have always wanted this. so why not get things going.

My line manager was Mrs Veronica O'Brien a middle age woman, she was to assist me through the orientation process. I too was to work under her before I could handle things by herself. She would be my coach for the time.

We left my father's office who dismissed us.

Mrs O'Brien started with the account department. I was introduced first to the staffs. some of them knew me, some didn't. I noticed this with the look on their faces. That wasn't my concern. I work here now, so you all will get to see me, like more of me, a lot of me"

The head of the account section explained how things are being carried out in their department, I listen with keen interest. I got to understand what their roles and responsibility was. Every staff in the account department was employed for a particular reason. I enjoyed when the Auditor took over and explained his work role, they mainly audit the financial statement of my father's hotel. Their work role didn't look none sound easy since it has to do with a lot of numbers. I have never fancied numbers.

when we were done I and Mrs O'Brien bade them goodbye and moved to the next department. On our way to the next department I jotted down some few things, something my father needs to look into. Some apps and technological devices used were outdated. and this got me thinking. I was good with latest apps and this would be my first job when I settle in.

We spent an hour going round other department. I got to meet every sectional heads who explained everything about their department. Now it was time to tour the kitchen.

Mrs O'Brien asked me to take a break and return in the next thirty minute for the kitchen and cleaning service department. The idea I had was to go round, then i would take my lunch in the kitchen to climax the whole hotel tour. I tried explaining to Mrs O'Brien, but she wasn't taking it. I finally gave up after trying to persuade Mrs O'Brien to see why we should continue.

I went back to my father's office hoping to relay how my tour slash first day went, but my father wasn't on seat.

Katherine, my father's secretary informed me he had gone for a board meeting. I went into his office to take a short nap while I wait for his return. Taking off my shoes, I lay down on the office comfortable leather cushion and closed my eyes. I had no appetite yet, reasons why I wanted us to complete the tour.

It's the first chapter and there are bound to be mistakes, bear with me.

Eghe is pronounced like this: Air_geh

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