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Dedicated to i_am_your_joy

Ikay(3rd POV)

Ikay replaced the phone back in his breast pocket. His mother called to confirm if they already left Benin. Ikay had informed his mother weeks ago how fed up he was with Eghe and her family, he wanted to return home. In his words Its better to by used by my father than to be used by a stranger. He asked his mother to help him beg his father for forgiveness. He was at a "Devil and the deep blue sea spot" and he choose the devil..

Luckily for him, when he put that call through to his mother, his father was right there.
"We can't throw the baby along with the bath water" his father had told his mom. Ikay's father had long ago forgiven him and was excited about his return.

Ikay stood up from the bedroom cushion he has been sitting putting the thought of his parents behind him, he walked towards their shared bed. He has been watching Eghe sleep, she was obviously tired from yesterday shenanigans. Now that she was awake, he needed to set his plans in motion.

As he moved, he thought through how they started, how happy they were at the beginning and how things had gone sour after her parents forced them together.

Ikay stood by the bed side now watching her intently, a bed he was about to stop sharing with her if she doesn't agree to his plan. He noticed how her shoulder slumped. She looked tired.

Ikay wanted to kiss her one more time, maybe even make love to her before he leaves, but that would slow him down and he had no time for that, This was his chance to move out.
He brought out an A4 paper he had kept by her pillow while she slept, he went through it for the last time and threw it at Eghe.

"I resign Eghe" Ikay informed her "I can't do this anymore"

Eghe raising the paper, she looked at him surprised. confusion written all over her beautiful face as she went through the white A4. She then slowly dropped the resignation letter back on the bed.

"Whattt..." She stuttered what would you be doing now Ikay, you have to work, you can't be jobless" confusion in her voice.

Ikay was ready for all her negative comments, he only hopped she grants the only request he was going to ask of her, if she doesn't accept he would leave with his kids.

His phone rang again, this time the Uber driver he had requested. He needed to leave this house. He wondered why Eghe never believed in him. She knew how hard working he was, why she never had faith that he could provide for her and the kids still baffles him.

"I would be out in a jiffy" Ikay hurriedly spoke into his phone and ended the call.

"Eghe" he called, looking her straight in the eyes. "I'm leaving, if I leave here today don't ever expect me to come back"

Fear was evident in Eghe's eyes. Ikay liked how scared she was. He was dead serious this time and he made sure his seriousness showed on his voice.

"Are you coming with me?"

"Where would we go, what would we feed on, you have no job Ikay" Eghe rushed her words.
"I...I..can't" she finished.

"You're not coming with me" Ikay wanted to be sure.

"No" she shook her head.

"I'm leaving with my kids" Ikay informed her

Eghe jumped off their bed "you would do no such thing" she raised her voice at him.

"Don't fucking raise your voice at me"  Ikay told her with a harsh tone.

Eghe was taken aback by his tone, but she went after him as  he matched towards the babies room which was adjoining with theirs.

While Eghe slept Ikay had taken the time to arrange some of the babies things. He picked up Isabella and strapped her to his chest, he also picked up Ryan, resting the chubby boy on his hips, he managed to pick up their arranged bags. When Eghe noticed what he was doing she began to wail, following him around their closet.

"Don't take my kids from me, they're still babies Ikay, please reconsider" she cried
Ikay was deaf to her tears, he had thought this through. when he was done packing all the things he needed he turned towards her.

"Eghe, a wife's place is with her husband. Your mother turned me into one of her maids and you watched. I'm done with this nonsense, if you're not coming with me, stay with your parents.

"Okay, I will go with you" she started to panic,  "pleaseeeeee" Eghe stressed when she noticed he was already leaving her behind, he was leaving with her children.

She followed him as he maneuver his way through their mansion. Ikay sighted some of their help who came to watch, her noise must have attracted them.

"Amaka", Eghe called to one of the trusted help, she too stood watching, her contanance showed she was not pleased. " Call my parents, tell them Ikay has taken my children" Amaka rushed back into the house to do her madam's bidding.

Ikay got to the waiting Uber as Eghe tagged along. he kept his kids at the back passenger seat and turned to Eghe who was  crying profusely. Her hair in disarray, tears mark all over her face. He had seen her cry, just been sad here or there.

"I would have taken three of them, but I know it would kill you" he told her feeling sorry for her "take care of Eghosa Jr (Genzebe) for me, don't let her turn out like you".

Then he did what Eghe was scared of, he destroyed his phone and sim in her presence. Eghe held unto his shirt, knowing what that meant.
"Ikay please don't do this to me, I would go with you, anywhere, please don't separate my kids" she cried harder.

"Madam" Amaka's voice distracted them "dem say oga and big madam dey meeting" she relayed in Nigeria pidgin

Ikay chuckled as he entered to join his kids, locking Eghe out.

"Benin Airport" he told the Uber driver who was indifferent about the scene before him, the driver started the engine. They drove  leaving Eghe behind.

Ikay watched from the rearview mirror as Eghe slumped to the ground.

"Good riddance" he said softly to himself.


Okay, okay, I myself didn't believe Ikay could do that.

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