The dinner party...

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"Are you okay?" Paul asked sticking his head out the door

" Paul hey come in, yeah I'm fine. Why are you asking?" I asked confused

" Well I saw the you tried to avoid him" he said

" What are you talking about?" I asked trying to sound confident

" Oh come on you know what I'm talking about!" He barked back at me

" Oh that thing" I tried my best to sound stupid

" Don’t you play dumb with me Miss Dobrev" he told me

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked friendly

"Do I have a choice? " I asked

" You should know by now that you never have a choice" he smirked at me

" Well he's moved on I guess" I told him

" And you're not happy for him? “He questioned me

" No don't get me wrong I am happy for him I really am but somehow I kind of feel betrayed"

" Do you feel that way because he’s with Nikki?” He asked

“ I don’t know. I mean I really do want him to be happy! He’s a good person and he deserves that. I guess I thought he’d wait.” I answered knowing I was wrong

“ Nina, he waited a whole year! Don’t you think its time for him to move on? Besides they’re not getting married for crying out loud!” he cried

“ Paul, he thinks she’s the one! I heard him tell that to Candice” I whimpered

Paul was about to say something when a knock on the door interrupted us

“ Who is it?” I asked

“ Miss Dobrev Julie is asking for all the cast members.”  The voice said

“Okay ill be out in a sec.” I yell back

I got out and headed to the meeting room with Paul beside me.Paul went ahead and took a seat right next to Kat. Scanned the room for a seat, unfortunately the only available seat was next to Ian. I walked to the seat avoiding eye contact between us. 

“ I called you all in here to congratulate you in our sixth season” Julie Spoke

As the boys started to cheer

 “We honestly couldn’t have made it without each and every one of you!” Julie stated

“Awe” we all said in sync

 “To celebrate, we have a reservation at a fancy restaurant for dinner, please come and join us.” She said

“ What time?” Kat asked

“ 9:30” she answered

“Can we I get a plus one?” Ian asked

Ian's POV:

Just as I asked Julie if I could get a plus one, I heard Nina sigh in disappointment. But you know what I don’t give a damn anymore! If waiting a year isn’t enough for her than that Is a problem she has to deal with, not me.

“ Yes sure you can Ian” Julie answered

“Great thanks” I told her

“Alright guys now who is ready to start shooting?” she asked enthusiastically

we all screamed in agreement 

I shot a couple of scenes with Kat and Paul, thank god non-with Nina. It was already awkward as is. And I sure as hell didn’t need our characters to make it a whole lot more! 

When I finished all my scenes for the day I decided to pass by Nikki’s house and ask if she wanted to go with me. 

“ Is she going to be there?” she asked whining

“ Yes she is going to be there. She is still my co-star you know!” I answered

“ Don’t you think it’s going to be a bit awkward?” she asks

“ So be it. What I can’t take my girl to meet my friends?” I answer

“Umm, okay but when are we leaving?” she finally agrees

“I’ll pick you up in 2 hours.” I whispered in her ear seductively

“ Okay” she says grabbing me in for a short kiss

We said our goodbyes and we headed to the restaurant.

When we I arrived there I was really surprised by what I saw, actually who I saw wrapping his arm around her. I felt all the anger in me boil up.

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