Summoning the Black Curse - (Cursed Death Claw)

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When a Raptor friend's whereabouts of her mysterious disappearance, when a pack of female Raptors developed an exploration to unravel hindering evidence, whether the culprit was substantiated for confirmation that a dark unsettling yet disturbing urban legend of the Black Curse; Cursed Death Claw, conjuring up his Dark Spirit with a ritual. Experiencing supernatural phenomena that their true beliefs confirming acknowledgement of the story was real, and they are now haunted by Cursed Death Claw.

Inspired from Slender Man (2018) Movie.


A Den resided a pack of Raptors within the location, whilst a few certain female Raptors were socializing in communication, conversing several discussions about life or any conspiracies for enjoyment and fun. The girls have been best friends for a lifetime, yet currently discussing an urban legend of a Black Curse performed by the male Raptors at their side of the Caverns.

Albeit these unknown motives weren't confirmed for any true evidence by rumours spreading like wildfire would've killed them, ensuring any regardless consequences of possible outcomes and casualties. Nevertheless, the origins of his backstory were unknown yet rather classified by Human Military Government on the island.

“I've happened to know their secret,” Ashley drawled with sincerity, divulging a single secret of the male Raptors performing recent adacious activities for their pleasurable desires.

“Oh really?” Mary queried, perking up with curiousity.

Raptors are one of the most intelligent pack hunters on the food chain, yet highly curious to eagerly extract knowledge through exprience from time to time. Apparently they'e possessed several senses and instincts to aid their support for their assistances, to hunt and kill prey for desirable nourishments in fulfilling their digestive tracts.

Isla Cryorna was infested by populations of Dinosaurs and other prehistoric creatures yet there were mutation strains merely for predators, either through complex adaptation and evolutionary time or assimulated essences of other living organisms and mutated their genetic materials from individual carnivores, for development of scientific studies and researches based on Modern Paleontology.

“They're gathered at Ash's place, conjuring an ritual to summon Cursed Death Claw,” Ashley stated bluntly, with ignorance had scoffed bitterly of mentioning the Hybrid and a puzzled curiousity beckoned her friends to question her.

“Creepy,” Vanessa conceded dryly, mentally shuddering from mentioning his name with a slight icy tone.

“Who's Cursed Death Claw?” Charisse queried, yet she hadn't stumbled upon hearing a urban legend story about him.

“A Spinosaurus, unlike any other we've had seen or encounter before and his larger yet stronger, more powerful, ferocious and intelligent than any normal predator,” Madison enunicated eloquently, compensating descriptions about the Black Curse.

“How come I've never heard of this before?” Charisse questioned, curiousity killed her despite that she hadn't stumbled upon the urban legend of Cursed Death Claw.

Formulation through research for curious purposes to adequate endurance and adaptation of genetic evolution, understanding conspiracy theories about him for certain evidences. Cursed Death Claw was a sadistic malevolent entity to be precised, based on the descriptions of his motives.

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