Wedding Dress

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The boy's name is Black Star. A boy who claims to be the biggest star. Every day he proclaims to everyone how he's the biggest star and no one can be as big as he is. However, today is the only day he doesn't. 

Black Star puts on a nice, white dress shirt (that Tsubaki had to iron) followed by a fitted, dark gray vest and black pants. Tsubaki fixed his black tie. Even though Black Star did not care about dressing up all fancy-pancy, he groomed himself for this one special occasion: a wedding. Tsubaki had to leave early since she was a bridesmaid. Black Star took a couple more minutes to look at himself in the mirror. All ready to go, Black Star heads to the church.

Elsewhere, a  young woman named (Name) was  getting ready for the wedding. After all, what kind of wedding is it without the blushing bride present. All of her friends and family gathered around to help her fit in her wedding dress. Indeed, she certainly was a beautiful bride. 

As Black Star heads for the church, he remembers the times he had with (Name). He met her when she was a new student at the DWMA. Black Star boasted to her how he'll surpass God. Most people brush off his huge ego, but not (Name). In fact, she believed Black Star is the biggest star and hopes he will achieve his goal. Seeing as how she understood him, Black Star and (Name) spend so much quality time together. They would listen to music, hang out at the park, and work on new techniques. One can say they see they would make such a beautiful couple. 

As Black Star arrived at the church, other people started arriving. The church was crowded with so many guests. This is an unforgettable day after all. 

(Name) sat on the couch in her wedding dress. She happily held onto her parents's hands. Her mother on the right was trying so hard not to cry at how her beautiful daughter is finally getting married. Her father on her left is proud of his little girl. Even though he did not want to give his precious baby girl away to another, he knows her future husband will certainly make her truly happy. 

Black Star saw his best friend Soul, Kid and Crona. He greeted them with smiles and remembered to not make a fool out of himself. After greeting his friends, Black Star heads inside. Even though Black Star was smiling, Soul could read his best friend like an open book. 

Meanwhile in the dressing room, Tsubaki (who just arrived) Liz, Patty and Maka were congratulating her on her big day. (Name) looks out the door to see Black Star. She smiled and waved at him. Black Star returned the smile. Behind (Name), Tsuabaki couldn't help but frown as she knows how Black Star must be feeling. She kept telling Black Star not to come as it will hurt him even more. 

(Name) lifts up her wedding dress and walks up to Black Star. With her (F/C) bouquet in her hand, she smiles at the sight of Black Star looking so handsome. 

Just when they were talking, a man dressed in a nice tux comes from behind (Name). He pats Black Star on the shoulder, thanking him for coming to the wedding, his and (Name)'s wedding. 

(Name) and her fiancé were being very affectionate in front of Black Star. Filled with jealous, Black Star looks to the side as he recalls all his moments with (Name).

Whenever he and (Name) were alone, (Name)'s boyfriend would always show up. It didn't start out that way at first. Black Star and her boyfriend were good pals, but he was always annoyed how he would interrupt their special time alone. But he didn't say anything, seeing how (Name) always smiled at how the three of them were together. 

At the ceremony, (Name) walks down the aisle with her father. Everyone applauds at how beautiful the bride looks. Black Star sits next to Tsubaki, trying his best to hold in his emotions. He was dying on the inside. 

When the pastor asked if anyone objects to this marriage, Black Star stood their holding onto his peace. He wanted to jump up and screamed objection, but he held it in. It was the toughest battle Black Star has faced his entire life. The fight against Asura was child's play compared to seeing (Name) married off to another. 

In his mind, Black Star would imagine (Name) embracing him from behind. He would turn around embracing her with all his love. It would end with him giving (Name) a blissful kiss.

Once the bride and groom were now pronounced man and wife, they walked down the aisle together. White rose petals were flung to them by the guests, celebrating their unity. 

Even though the gang was happy to see (Name) married, they knew how saddened Black Star was feeling. On numerous occasions, Black Star asks them what is this weird feeling in his chest, for he was hasn't experienced true love before. 

More guests congratulated the happy couple. Black Star was left alone as the rest of the gang went to congratulate (Name). Black Star was behind the pillar of the church, witnessing his only true love forever beyond his reach. 

It all started at a party held in honor of (Name) officially becoming a successful (weapon/meister). Black Star saw (Name) talking with the girls. He pulled her away from them. They were secluded in a quiet area, away from the party. Black Star was about to say something to (Name) when her boyfriend showed up. 

He apologized for interrupting them, but he wanted to say something. That's why he pulled out the ring and proposed to (Name). Without hesitation, (Name) accepted. Black Star missed his chance then.

Now, Black Star pulled out an engagement ring from his pocket: the very ring he was going to propose to (Name) at the party. Black Star examines the ring, and he looks at (Name). She looked so happy and so beautiful in her dress. Unfortunately for Black Star, he won't be seeing her out of her dress. 

With no more hope for love, the heart-broken Black Star drops the engagement ring. He lost his only true star: (Name) in her wedding dress...

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